Restart transactional replication

  • Hi all,

    We have a very tempramental firewall here that seems to enjoy dropping my msSQL connections. This means that the transactional replication fails regularly as it cannot get a connection to the remote server. I have set it to retry 10 times but then it will quit with failure.

    Is there an alert I can use to restart synchronisation...? I have one set up for error 14151 to re run the REPL-distribution job for this transactional replication but it never seems to fire in the event of the replication stalling.



  • Did you set the alert to be logged? If not, you wont get notified. I usually run a separate job to check replication a couple times a day to be sure. Might want to increase your timeout or retry values as well.


  • No mail stuff set up on the sql server..I have now set it to netsend to the 'technical' guy on site. This happened previously and the alert I was using seemed to restart the distribution job again nicely so even when it initially failed it just kept trying till it worked. Which is why I cant understand why this time the alert is not firing and running the distribution job again.


  • I have msSQL2000-SP3/Win2003 setup as a gateway (sort of - copying OLTP trx from mainframe to a custome Oracle8i) ... To resolve netwoking issues and Oracle mis-administration, i setup a distribution schedule in the subscription properties to fire every 5 minutes or. This may be resource intensive , but the SQL server has dual CPUs and 512 RAM and dedicated for the job....

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