Restart SQL Server services

  • Hi,

    If a user do not have acces to SQL Server databases can i still shutdown SQL Server or restart the services of SQL Server? or only a user with valid permissions inside SQL Server can restart SQL Server services and shut it down?

  • 🙂

  • A local or domain Windows Administrator can shutdown/restart the server including restarting SQL services.

    But perhaps I haven't fully understood your question...

  • suppose that i remove the domain admins group from SQL Server 2005 security tab. This means that no administartors have access to SQL Server databases and other SQL Server 2005 resources. But can they still shutdown SQL Server or restart it's services?

  • river1 (5/6/2010)

    suppose that i remove the domain admins group from SQL Server 2005 security tab.?

    Still don't understand what you mean... are you referring to BUIILTIN\Administrators? Do you mean removing them as a SQL login? or removing them from the local Administrators group of the Windows server concerned?

    This means that no administartors have access to SQL Server databases and other SQL Server 2005 resources. But can they still shutdown SQL Server or restart it's services?

    Windows Administrator's will always be able to Start/shutdown or restart/shutdown a given Windows server.

  • If i remove the Builtin\Administrators login from SQL Server will they still be able to shutdown or restart the services?

  • YES, via services.msc!

  • what about by SQl Server 2005 configuration manager?

  • Yes, they will be able to stop/start services via SSCM as well!!!

  • How can I find out WHO did the restarting of such service?

    I fully understand that anyone with logonlocally privledges can get to and use these restarts but how do I see which specific AD account did it? My logs always show User to be "N/A".

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