Reset the count to 0 after the following scenario

  • I have a table with records as follows: Its just a sample table for understanding the scenario.

    Create table resetcount


    userid int,

    totalhighprtjobs int,

    [date] datetime


    insert into resetcount Values (147,0,GETDATE())

    insert into resetcount Values (169,1,GETDATE())

    insert into resetcount Values (176,0,GETDATE())

    insert into resetcount Values (187,1,GETDATE())

    insert into resetcount Values (188,1,GETDATE())

    Everytime when i assign a job to a userid the totalhighprtjobs gets increased by will assign to all the users randomly and equally. Suppose if all the count of totalhighprtjpbs becomes 1 then i want to reset all those to 0.if suppose today there are 3 jobs assigned to useids 169,187,188.tomorrow while assigning jobs since the count of highprtjobs of userid 147 and 176 are 0 first these two will be assigned a job.After assigning to these two the count ot totalhighprtjobs wil be 1 for all,then i want to reset the count to 0 for all after assigning to those two.

    Can you guide me in this ..

  • I'm not sure that I understand you correctly, but if I do, then you just need to check if you have the value 0 in totalhighprtjobs column. Something like that:

    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM resetcount WHERE totalhighprtjobs = 0)

    Update resetcount set totalhihprtjobs = 0


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