requirements for a development web server

  • I have long experience with SQL Server, small experience with maintaining the HTML for a simple website, and no experience with web servers. I want to try IntelliVIEW Reporting on my own PC and then possibly recommend it to the developer of a asp.NET application I support. The setup.exe says I need IIS 5.0 and the .NET framework. Is there a developer's version of this? I am not discovering one on

    "Look, those sheep have been shorn."
    data analyst replies, "On the sides that we can see.."

  • IIS 5.0 comes with Windows 2000 and .NET Framework is downloadable from Microsoft (see )

    Edited by - davidburrows on 09/22/2003 07:07:00 AM

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Thank you, davidburrows. From all I have read, I thought this IIS and .Net framework should be included in Windows or downloadable (free) but I was not finding it because I started with instead of

    "Look, those sheep have been shorn."
    data analyst replies, "On the sides that we can see.."

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