Required Installs?

  • Ok, a few months ago I was burnt by .NET installs not getting along so I've got a couple questions.  I am trying to setup my laptop to be able to:

    1)  Connect to, query, and administer either SQL Server Express or an evaluation copy of SQL Server 2005

    2)  Write and Compile C# code for SQL 2005 CLR

    3)  Connect to SQL 2005 OLAP server and build BI solutions

    4)  Connect to SQL and use Profiler, Database Engine Tuning Advisor, etc.

    5)  Develop reports for SQL Reporting Services

    To achieve this I think I need the following:

    1)  SQL Server Management Studio (Express version of I go that route)

    2)  Microsoft Visual Studio 2005

    3)  SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio (is that part of Express? ...or Management Studio Express???)

    4)  Well - number 4 matches up with number 4 above...but what package do those tools come with?

    5)  SQL Report Designer (or whatever)

    The last time I tried this, things seemed to install on top of each other and it became a terrible mess.  Can someone clue me in on exactly what I need to install...please.

    Thanks in advance.


  • So...with no responses maybe I should assume that no one else is trying to put as much on one workstation - or that no one else has been sucessful?

  • SQL Server Express doesn't include Analysis Services (OLAP). This is what you'll want to install:


    1) SQL Server 2005 Developer/Workgroup/Standard/Enterprise Edition

    a) Database Services

    b) Analysis Services

    c) Reporting Services

    d) Management Studio (includes profiler and DTA)

    e) Business Intelligence Developer Studio

    2) Visual Studio 2005 - any edition which includes C#




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