March 15, 2007 at 5:16 am
I am using SQL Server 2000, merge replication, and pull subscription.
For republishing subscribers, it is recommended on MSDN and other discussion forums that subscription must be initialized before the publication is created at the republishing subscribers else the replication will fail.
However, for our business requirement, we may require to extend the existing hierarchy of servers i.e. we may need to make existing publication servers a subscriber to some other server.
Now, If I try to do this, I either loose some data at the leaf subscribers or I get errors when I try to insert, update in the leaf subscriber tables -
Invalid object name 'tsvw_[uuid]' and Invalid object name 'Invalid object name 'ctsv[uuid]' respectively.
I can't find any recommendations made for such a scenario anywhere.
Please suggest,
March 15, 2007 at 9:51 am
Hello Shelly,
If I understand you correctly, you have a server that is a subscriber to merge replication and you want to set this subscriber up as a publisher...seems pretty straightforward to me.
With regards to subscription must be initialized before the publication is created at the republishing subscribers else the replication will fail.
I'm not sure what you you mean the merge subscriber or the subscriber to the republished database.
March 18, 2007 at 11:06 pm
Hey Graeme,
Thanks for ur reply.
Let me give another shot
In my scenario, i have an hierarchy of servers with a publisher server (P1 say) and one or more subscribers subscribed to it using pull subscription. Everything (replication) works fine till here.
I want to extend this hierarchy such that the P1 server can subscribe to some other alreday existing publisher (say P2) i.e. without deleting the existing publication at P1.
Can this be done??
Let me know if this is still not clear
Thanks and Regards,
March 22, 2007 at 5:32 am
Hi Shelly,
The biggest problem I can see is that your P1 is used in merge replication, and this uses the uniqueidentifiers (RowGuid) to replicate.
If you want to 'join' this to another publisher then the rowguids have to exist on the other publisher and be synched between the two servers..which is pretty unlikely. And to update the other publisher will be difficult as it is already published.
Will there be a lot of data moving between p1 and p2
March 22, 2007 at 5:49 am
Is this possible if the data is less?
In my case, even if the data to be replicated is 4-5 rows, i either loose saome data at the subscriber subscribed to P1 or i get the following error -
Invalid object name 'tsvw_[uuid]'
'Invalid object name 'ctsv[uuid]'
while inserting or deleting records from subscriber.
March 22, 2007 at 9:58 am
Hi Shelly,
I don't think this is a viable solution.
You have a Subscriber to a publisher via merge and you have another publisher to which you want to subscribe.
You would need some form of synchronisation between subscriber and publisher..can you confirm all the data on p2 is on p1...might be tricky. If you are subscribing with the nosych option then there is a large risk of data missing between servers.
As far as I understand, replication works on the principle that you start with a data set that you want to publish. You then 'give' a shapshot of that data to a subscriber so that that both pub and sub are synchronised. After that point any changes to the publisher will be sent to the subscriber (snapshot rep not included here).
If your intention is to add more publishers..where is your point of reference to start from...or am I missing something.
Kind Regards
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