Report's preview in Visual Studio differs from deployed report

  • I work with Project Server and Reporting Services and I have to display a project task's note in a report. I found a good post explaining how to do it:

    The report works well in the Visual Studio preview, but fails when I deploy it and the task's note doesn't appear.

    Have you got any idea about the difference between the rendering is done in Visual Studio Preview and once the report is displayed ?

    The post mentioned above contains a code to put in the report properties :

    ‘Instantiate a rich text box control in memory

    Public rtfRTB As new System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox

    ‘Instantiate a stringbuilder object

    Public s As New System.Text.StringBuilder()

    Public Function byteArrayToString(ByVal b() As Byte) As String

    Dim i As Integer

    dim mystr as string

    on error goto errortrap

    s.length = 0

    For i = 0 To b.Length - 1


    If i <> b.Length - 1 Then


    End If


    mystr = left(s.ToString, len(s.ToString)-1)

    rtfRTB.rtf = mystr

    return rtfRTB.text


    exit function


    return "n/a"


    s.length = 0

    End Function

    and I think it's the "rtfRTB" function which doesn't work when the report is deployed.

    I hope someone will be able to help me.



  • I'm not sure about this answer, but I am under the impression that the System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox would not be available from a website. I thought the only controls you could use were ones that were native to System.Web... namespaces. IT works in VS because you have the ability to use the Windows Forms controls, It won't work from the SSRS because you can't access those controls.

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  • Thank you for these answer.

    Have you got any idea about a workaround to be able to get this report working. Or may be there is another way to display these information stored in the database as "binary" ?


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