Reporting Services report run forever

  • Did you ever get a solution to this problem? I have a sql query that runs in 2 seconds. When I put the query into the report and click view report it takes over 30 minutes to return the results.

  • Is it a stored procedure or is it a sql statement?

  • Greetings,

    Yes, I got it resolved. Do a WITH RECOMPILE with the stored procedure and it will work fine all the time.

    Thank you



    Proud member of the NRA

    -Anti-gun laws prevent law abiding citizens to buy guns and defend themselves against bad guys who do not care about the law and get their gun illegally.

    - Democracy is 2 wolves and one sheep talking about their next dinner. Freedom is 2 wolves and one armed sheep with a .357 magnum talking about their next dinner.

  • It was a sql query. I found another post that recommended you use a stored procedure with 'WITH RECOMPILE' and it worked like a charm.

  • Thank you for your assistance.

  • How big is the result set you're returning? In my experience, whenever the RsExecutionNotFound appears, the report server errored out and reset. Check the RS server logs and look for out of memory exceptions. If that's the issues, you can try adjutsing the memory settings or throw more memory at it, but I found this does not fix the issue in all cases.

    I just completed an upgrade to SSRS 2008 which is not memory bound when rendering reports. I'm now able to generate 80,000+ page reports without issue.


  • Sounds like this could be a parameter sniffing issue - have you tried:

    1) Declare new local parameters at the top of your procedure

    2) Assign the values from the input parameters to the local parameters

    3) Point the rest of your code at the local parameters

    Compile the procedure, run the report...

  • kestak,

    I assume the only time you have this problem is on the server? How about when your are in BIDS -> Design mode, when you run the query in the Data tab and type in the parameter values. Does it give you this error? I'm curious.

    Also, did you happen to look at the Event Log on the server where this occurs to see if there any other clues?

    Hmm, I'm wondering if you have your @parameter mapped to your Report Parameters.

  • Disregard my previous post. I didn't see the other two pages;-)

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