Reporting Services Matrix Report

  • Hi,

    I am relatively new to reporting services and to this forum, so i will try to give as many details as possible and would appreciate your help.

    I am trying to create a Matrix report using a data set with the following query:

    select company.Employees.Name, data.Operations.Time, sum(data.Operations.Revenue)

    from data.Operations inner join company.Employees on data.Operations.SalesRepId = company.Employees.EmployeeId

    where data.Operations.Time >= dateadd(day, 0-@last, (getdate()-1))

    group by company.Employees.Name, company.Employees.EmployeeId, data.Operations.SalesRepId, data.Operations.Time

    having (company.Employees.EmployeeId=data.Operations.SalesRepId)

    order by data.Operations.Time, sum(data.Operations.Revenue)

    i set the company.Employees.Name on columns, data.Operations.Time on rows

    and what i got in the preview is that the columns are sorted according to the revenue of the first day of the report (which is on the right hand side), and i want to change it so the columns would be sorted according to the revenue of the last day of the report (which is on the left hand side)

    i tried to go over the report properties but found nothing, i aslo tried to play with the order of the query but no luck.

    any idea?

    much appreciated


  • Looking back, I think that the columns are displayed in the order they are returned. Please note that the column order behaviour may reflect that of a character data type.


  • sorry i didn't understand what you mean; but let me explain what is happening by visualizing it here

    Jan 01 | Jan 02 | Jan 03

    Jack $700 | $ 90 | $ 25

    Tom $650 | $1080 | $23

    Nick $25 | $700 |$ 1000

    meaning the Names are sorted according to the value of the left columns of the report.

    but i want it to be

    Jan 01 | Jan 02 | Jan 03

    Nick $25 | $700 |$ 1000

    Jack $700 | $ 90 | $ 25

    Tom $650 | $1080 | $23

    meaning according to the right column of the report.

    now how can i change that?

  • Hi PH

    I think this should do what you need:

    SELECT Name, Time,TotalRevenue, CASE WHEN Time=LatestDate THEN TotalRevenue ELSE 0 END as SortOrder


    (SELECTcompany.Employees.Name, data.Operations.Time, SUM(data.Operations.Revenue) as TotalRevenue,

    (SELECT MAX(data.Operations.Time)

    FROM data.Operations

    WHERE data.Operations.Time >= dateadd(day, 0-@last, (getdate()-1))) as LatestDate

    FROMdata.Operations INNER JOIN company.Employees ON data.Operations.SalesRepId = company.Employees.EmployeeId

    WHEREdata.Operations.Time >= dateadd(day, 0-@last, (getdate()-1))

    GROUP BY company.Employees.Name, data.Operations.Time --company.Employees.EmployeeId, data.Operations.SalesRepId,

    --having (company.Employees.EmployeeId=data.Operations.SalesRepId)

    --ORDER BY data.Operations.Time, sum(data.Operations.Revenue)

    ) x

    ORDER BY (CASE WHEN Time=LatestDate THEN TotalRevenue ELSE 0 END) DESC

    This should return the data in the order that you want, although I always tend to use SSRS to sort my data. To do so, edit the relevant matrix group to sort by the SortOrder field.



  • Hi Alun,

    can you elaborate on "edit the relevant matrix group to sort by the SortOrder field"

    how do i do that?



  • I agree that it's easier to do the sorting in the SSRS report.

    click on the group that you want to change the order of.

    right click and choose edit group.

    Click on the sorting tab.

    enter the appropriate column(s) and direction and you'll be all set.


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  • Generally I'd agree and I even remember agreeing with my lecturer and colleagues, however, I just checked the matrix report I was referring to and I sucessfully display the data in a sorted format from the dataset (Command Type: proc) in the report without using Group Sorting. I think I took this path due to having worked with "client-side recordsets" in the past where client-side ordering was greatly discouraged (although your reporting services server should be able to handle it 😉 ). Strangely, my report even reflects data similar to Levin's where the primary column group is also displayed as Mmm YY.

    It sorts from the proc by use of a derived column called MonthKey int, with the value(s) returned looking like: 200901 (2009 is the year and 01 the month). MonthKey is populated by using:

    SELECT MonthKey = 100 * DATEPART( yy , GETDATE() ) + DATEPART( mm , GETDATE() ) -- WHERE GETDATE() is your datetime value

    In my final output, MonthKey is the first ORDER BY expression, followed by (as in Levin's example code) : company.Employees.Name, with any further ordering dictated by your secondary Column and Row groups.

    Please give it a go and let me know if it works for you.


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