August 22, 2008 at 7:59 am
i got it working. i was trying http://servername/reports instead of /reportserver for deployment.
September 5, 2008 at 8:16 am
Check the Database Service Credential in the Reporting Service Configuration Manager, and change it your domain\user account, that may do the trick, as it did for me with SSRS 2005 and 2008 on one box (2005 using the ASPNET account, while 2008 using the domain\user account)
December 3, 2008 at 7:58 pm
Has this problem actually been solved?
There is no reply from the initiator. Would be nice to know.
December 5, 2008 at 6:52 am
i had the same problem.When installing SQl server 2005 reporting services install it in default instance mode .this doesn't require to configure the report server all.
And also the mistake will be with the targetserverurl set in the properties window when deploying.For correct URL goto start-->programs-->SQl server 2005or 2008-->configuration manager-->reporting services config manager-->webservicesurl .you will be having alink in this format
http://servername /reportserver
click on this link .you will be diverted to the reportserver home page.this link will be your targetserver url
Hope this will help to solve your problem
December 23, 2008 at 2:35 pm
Frankly, I'm following every suggestion in this forum that applies (that is, that isn't part of my configuration already), and those at a forum at, and I'm not getting anywhere. In frustration I ask, how can it be that there's one problem that responds to so many different fixes, but in many cases apparently, to none at all? And, why hasn't Microsoft investigated and posted a fix?
December 31, 2008 at 1:42 pm
I had the same problem, but in my case, the URL to the Report Server was wrong, without the instance portion of it. After I corrected the URL, the prompt stopped popping up on the deployment
January 28, 2009 at 4:27 pm
The above post is the solution for most of you.
If you use URL http://localhost/reportserver and it is not working, then read below.
Below is the elaborate explanation on how to correct it. When installing SQL server, if you gave an instance name (ie if you did not let it install as a default instance) then you should change the URL as follows:
I copied the solution from another post from another site, instead of me writing again, this best describes how to do it (in the below example $SQL2005 is the instance name). Solution is in between '------'.
Giving credit to user IndianaLMC at
In my particular case I install SQL 2005 as a seperate instance, so instead of
http://localhost/reportserver mine was http://localhost/reportserver$SQL2005
and that, in itself, was enough to break reporting services and query for the reporting serivces login again and again and again.
So, where do you fix it:
1. Open your project in SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio
2. Select the project menu followed by the properties of the project.
3. Change the TargetServerURL: To the appropriate path to your reportserver.
if your still not sure ( hard to believe but I suppose... ) open your IIS manager, expand the default web site and spot your reporting services virtual dir.
There you go ... what a pain in the ...
Regards from Indianapolis
based on the above solution (ie instance $SQL2005) in IE put in URL http://localhost/reportserver$SQL2005 it should work now.
It works for me.
April 6, 2009 at 1:18 pm
Follow these steps:
1) Go to Programs>Administrative Tools>Internet Information services (IIS) Manager: expand the nodes till you see Web Sites folder, then expand the Default Web Site node (if this is where you are publishing reports to), note the exact name in my case it is ReportServer$MPA2 (it is not just ReportServer for every one). exit out of IIS, no need to change anything here.
2)Either in Visual Studio/"SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio" locate your project, highlight the project then see properties, set TargetServerURL. In my case I set TargetServerURL to http://localhost/reportserver$MPA2
Whatever name you have setup for your virtual directory, it has to match exactly to the value in TargetServerURL.
It worked for me, I hope it works for you.
April 15, 2009 at 5:16 pm
make sure your targartURL is right! this format:
June 8, 2009 at 11:52 am
hi ,
Userid and Password is calling all time ,Why in reporting services SQL server?
U have created the report through SQL auth/mode there u must have given userid and Password 4 login the server and then Database.
In that there is check box called Save my Password if u tick it, it will not ask everytime u login.
June 8, 2009 at 12:09 pm
parthi (6/8/2009)
hi ,Userid and Password is calling all time ,Why in reporting services SQL server?
U have created the report through SQL auth/mode there u must have given userid and Password 4 login the server and then Database.
In that there is check box called Save my Password if u tick it, it will not ask everytime u login.
That is not correct there are many reasons SSRS prompts for login but the quick solution is if you are in company network you can exclude the SSRS IP address or you could just add the SSRS url to your trusted site under security in IE under tools Internet option.
Now that may not let you run the report in report manager if your admin have not given you the relevant permissions in report manager. If you are the admin then you need to define those or you may still not run the reports.
Kind regards,
Gift Peddie
June 9, 2009 at 3:04 pm
I experienced this problem after I installed a service pack. I opened the "configure report service" application on the server machine. In report manager virtual directory settings I checked the apply default settings checkbox, then the apply button at the bottom. This solved my problem. I use the Windows credential option for the 'database setup' menu, and Windows account option for the 'windows identity' menu. I noticed from the Word docs you posted that your settings are different than mine here. Sometimes there is more than one thing at play. Taking care of this may then cause some of the other solutions posted to work the second time. Good Luck!
June 10, 2009 at 3:20 pm
In my case removing the SQL Instance name fromt he Report Server URL solved the issue.
Make: http://localhost/ReportServer instead of http://localhost/ReportServer$SQLINSTANCE
June 24, 2009 at 3:51 pm
In my case I need to set permission at two directories
1. C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.3\Reporting Services\ReportServer
2. C:\WINDOWS\Temp
Right click the folder ? properties
Then click the advanced
Then check both check box for both of these two folders
Some time for 2nd folder only allow you to check one box.
Still it will work.
Good Luck!!!
October 2, 2009 at 9:25 am
I just had this same issue and figured out what was wrong so hopefully this can help you.
Go to your Solution Explorer and right click on the solution from which you are trying to deploy. Should be the second option from the top in "BOLD". Then when it pops up the Report Property Page make sure your targetserverurl is http://servername/reportserver and make sure that the targetreportfolder already exist. My issue was I tried putting in the folder name under the targetserverurl and it kept prompting for the username and password. Once I removed the folder name for the url and moved it up to the targetreportfolder it deployed the report with no problem. Hope this helps.
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