Reporting Services Licensing question

  • Jaco Pieterse (10/16/2008)

    Hi guys,

    Hope you guys will be able to assit. I have much the same question as I've seen in this topic.

    I just need to know the following:

    If I have an IIS box(the db sever is seperate and licensed) for my SSRS 2005 that has 4 CPUs, must I purchase 4 processor licenses or is there a way that I can setup SSRS to use only 1 CPU?

    Hope to hear from you soon.



    I'd have to agree with what Greg E just mentioned (i.e. chat with MS licensing specialist). That being said - my recollection of the conversation was something along the lines of "there's no real way to tell SQL server to just use one processor, just one processor at a time in queries. So - licensing is required for all processors visible to the OS", since SQL will essentially use every processor it sees even if "prefers" one.

    The only way you might get away with it under that scenario is to put SSRS within a VM, with the VM only "seeing" one processor.

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • Jaco Pieterse (10/16/2008)

    Hi guys,

    If I have an IIS box(the db sever is seperate and licensed) for my SSRS 2005 that has 4 CPUs, must I purchase 4 processor licenses or is there a way that I can setup SSRS to use only 1 CPU?



    J -

    This is why we went to x64bit with a single quad core for our RS box.

    I know of no way to limit RS to 1 cpu.

    We need EE, as we do data driven subscriptions.

    So how you plan on using RS will also be part of your puzzle.

    Greg E

  • For those who need an inexpensive distribution option for SSRS reports, look at rePORTAL at It is a complete portal and scheduling engine that lets you publish and distribute SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) and Crystal reports easily and without any need for coding. Licensing is significantly less expensive as it offers a server license with unlimited users.

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