Reporting services Group is not calculating by group.

  • Hi,

    Reporting services Group is not calculating by group.

    =count(Fields!GMPI.Value) *900 for group column A gives the same total of $240,000 for all 3 groups, but =count(Fields!GMPI.Value) * 600 for group col B works corretly for each group having a different value.

    any ideas, it is almost as if ssrs is glitching cuase the values in the field columns do not add up induvidually to 240,000.

    thanks in advance

  • The COUNT() expression function used in SSRS can actually receive a second parameter that specifies the group name that defines the scope the COUNT() should be calculated in.

    The syntax would be roughly, COUNT(Fields!<field_name>, "<group_name>").

    Try adding that to the misbehaving count and see if that corrects the report logic.

  • Thanks so much. It was grouping them all by market, just that group header was choking. A fix that worked was doing the calculation at the data level in t-sql and not in the group header, although other columns were behaving fine with expressions in the group headers.

    SELECT *, ISNULL(RAFScoreDataRap,0) * 900 AS RAFScoreDataRapCalc FROM @rptMatrixMetrics

    SO now this above select at the end of the t-sql script in the SSRS data tab now multiplies by 900 at this level so in the layout just needs the new column alias we created above: RAFScoreDataRapCalc


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