Reporting services Default page

  • HI All

     now i know that reporting services is really cool

     but i kinda want to move away from the "Billy Gates" look as good as it is!

    does anyone know of any skins that could chane the look to something a little more errrrrrrrmmm user friendly and a lilttle less " billy boy gates" lookish




    Kindest Regards,

    Todd,non est vivere sed valere vita est

  • Report Manager isn't terribly customisable. Best to just leave the "billy boy gates" look alone and create your own front-end for entering parameters and rendering reports. It's almost a drag 'n' drop process in ASP.Net.


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • If you're running win2k3 and have installed WSS (windows sharepointservices) and are running reportingsvcs SP2, then you could always deploy the 2 web parts in sharepoint, one is like a catalogexplorer, the other is a report viewer.


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