Reporting Services Color Property

  • Hello Everyone. Can someone please help me?

    I have the following expression in the color property:


    I also want the field DocuNumbr to say "Invoice Not Raised" when

    the value equals NULL. How do I do that?

    Thanks in advance for your help!!

  • Change the expression to read:

    =iif(isnothing(value) = True, "Red","Black")

    the same would hold true for your other value in question.

  • Hi,

    Keep the same in color property and change text box Expression as

    IIf(Fields!DocNumbr.Value)=NULL,"Invoice Not Raised",Fields!DocNumbr.Value)


    Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Knowledge and happiness never decreases by being shared.” - Buddha

  • Thanks very much for your help.

    I was just wondering is the following also acceptable in both the color and value properties:

    =IIf(Fields!DocNumbr.Value = Nothing,"Red","Black")

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