Reporting Services - Bold/Move a category within a db field from left to right using an expression

  • Can anyone help me with this issue. I have a column in a table call "description." Within description, there are several categories including the category "subtotal". Would it be possible to bold then move (using an expression)the "subtotal" from left to right (based on certain conditions) to display the "subtotal" category and the amount.

    For example, If(Fields!description.value = "Subtotal" and ItemLevel = 0, "Bold" (then a statement to move subtotal to the right).

    I appreciate any help I can get with this issue.



  • Is it possible to Group By to have the automated subtotal/group footer for the subtotal?

    If not

    you can use the IIF(Description.value = "Subtotal",true_condition,false_condition) statement in the text field properties

    Bold: Font -> FontWeight

    IIF(Description.value = "Subtotal",Bold,Default)


    IIF(Description.value = "Subtotal",Right,Default)

    SQLServerNewbieMCITP: Database Administrator SQL Server 2005
  • Thanks for your help with this issue. No I don't think it's possible to use group by.

    I tried your suggession to entered the expression in FontWeight properties and TextAlign. Subtotal did not get bolded and it did not move to the right. However, the criteria for the expression has changed slighty.

    See example of the data I am working with in Report Designer. Please note that the data is in a tabe:

    Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5 Col6

    Description Quantity UnitsOfMeasure UnitPrice TotalPrice

    Fix Supply

    Retail Charges

    Subtotal -------------------------------------------> Subtotal TotalPrice_Second (Value for subtotal)

    State taxes

    Federal Taxes

    Subtotal Taxes--------------------------------------->Subtotal Taxes TotalPrice_Second (Value for subtotal taxes)

    1. In the text field property, I am simply just displaying the field TotalPrice_Second.Value

    2.I would like to be able to move subtotal to the right to line up under the totalPrice column.

    This expression =IIF(Fields!Description.Value = "Subtotal", "Right", "General") is not working maybe because the data is in a table.

    3.The rule for making the line bold is: IIF(ISNotNull(Fields!TotalPrice_Second.Value) and Fields!Description.Value= "Subtotal", "Bold", "Normal") (Not sure what the correct syntax should be)

    I really appreciate your effort in helping me with this issue.

  • ERROR:

    Bold - Not Declared

    and not Identified error

    =IIF(Fields!MEASURES.Value="Total Cost",Bold,Normal)

  • You could have two of the same subtotal, and control the visibility of each one by setting the "Hidden" property to use a formula similar to what you have for font weight and such. One of the two would be in the normal location, and the other in the "moved to the right" location.


    (aka smunson)


    Steve (aka sgmunson) 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)

  • I resolved this issue a few days ago by using a frontweight expression and a text alignment expression as indicated by the previous member (Jerry Hung)

    Thank you all for your input on this issue.

  • De correct syntax to make conditional bold should be:

    =IIF(Fields!R03_Niveau2Naam.Value = "Totaal","Bold","Default")

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