Reporting services 2005 issue



    In my project i want a report. In that report data is getting from more than one data sources(systems). While creating data source view i used named query for both primary and secondary data source. But at the time of crating "Report Model" i am getting below error.

    An error occurred while executing a command.

    Message: Invalid object name 'Table2'.


    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (SELECT     SerialNum, ModelNum AS com_model

    FROM         Table2) t


    Is there any way to create a report with multiple data sources?




  • From the terminology you're using, you seem to be building report models for Report Builder rather than RS reports as such. If so you can indeed incorporate named queries in your model, so I would guess the error lies in the SQL: where does Table2 come from? (You could also try missing off the final 't' as it's not always required for subqueries).

  • I'm encountering the same error, trying to add multiple data sources to a single data source view. It appears that regardless of the data source the table is associated with in the GUI (in the DSV), at model generation time it looks for all tables in the primary data source.

    Has anyone found a solution for this?

  • I can't say I've run into this problem before, but can you not create the subquery in SQL Server itself (as a view or stored procedure) then SELECT the view or EXEC the SP? That way you'll only have the one data source in Reporting Services.

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