Reporting out errors

  • The way that our email system has been set up we can no longer use operators and the old sendmail system stored proc.  Due to this I have created a stored proc with a little help from that reads the server log file, then finds the errors, then issues an email.  The problem is if I execute the code from query analyser either executing with the code in the analyser screen or stored in stored proc, it reports out the errors.  However when I use alerts that look for an error lets say with a severity of 016 which in turns fires the code compiled in the stored proc the data from the log is NOT returned back.  I have added the code to help.

    CREATE PROCEDURE ProcIssueErrorEmail


    DECLARE @vServer VARCHAR(15)



     -- Variable declarations

     DECLARE @oServer INT, @oQuery INT, @ret INT

     DECLARE @maxrow INT, @row INT, @maxcol INT, @col INT

     DECLARE @colname VARCHAR(255), @logentry VARCHAR(256), @cont INT

     DECLARE @entrytime DATETIME, @logtext VARCHAR(256), @source VARCHAR(20)

     DECLARE @vSubject VARCHAR(8000)

     CREATE TABLE #logdata (RID SMALLINT IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, EntryTime DATETIME, Source VARCHAR(20), LogEntry VARCHAR(2000), Continued INT)

     -- Connect to server

     EXEC @ret = master.dbo.sp_OACreate 'SQLDMO.SQLServer', @oServer OUT

     EXEC @ret = master.dbo.sp_OASetProperty @oServer, 'LoginSecure', -1

     EXEC @ret = master.dbo.sp_OAMethod @oServer, 'Connect', NULL, @@SERVERNAME

     -- Get event log

     EXEC @ret = master.dbo.sp_OAMethod @oServer, 'ReadErrorLog', @oQuery OUTPUT, 0 -- change the number here to view older logs

     -- Read log

     EXEC @ret = master.dbo.sp_OAGetProperty @oQuery, 'Rows', @maxrow OUTPUT

     EXEC @ret = master.dbo.sp_OAGetProperty @oQuery, 'Columns', @maxcol OUTPUT

     SET @row = 0

     WHILE @row < @maxrow


      SET @row = @row + 1

      EXEC @ret = master.dbo.sp_OAGetProperty @oQuery, 'GetColumnString', @logentry OUTPUT, @row, 1

      EXEC @ret = master.dbo.sp_OAGetProperty @oQuery, 'GetColumnDouble', @cont OUTPUT, @row, 2

      IF (ISDATE(LEFT(@logentry,22)) = 1) OR (@cont <> 0)


       IF (@cont = 0)


        SET @entrytime = CONVERT(datetime,LEFT(@logentry,22),121)

        SET @source = SUBSTRING(@logentry,24,9)

        SET @logtext = RIGHT(@logentry,LEN(@logentry)-32)

        INSERT INTO #logdata (EntryTime, Source, LogEntry, Continued)

        VALUES (@entrytime, @source, @logtext, @cont)




        SET @logtext = @logentry

        UPDATE #logdata SET LogEntry = LogEntry + @logtext

        WHERE Entrytime = @entrytime AND Source = @source AND Continued = 0




     --Build subject string

     SET @vSubject = 'All there has been an error on the above server, below is a list of errors that have occured in the last hour.  This list has been sorted in a descending order.' + CHAR(13) + Char(13)

     -- Display log entries

     SELECT @vSubject = @vSubject + ' ' + CAST(A.EntryTime AS VARCHAR(20)), @vSubject = @vSubject +  ' ' + A.Source, @vSubject = @vSubject +  ' ' + A.LogEntry + B.LogEntry + CHAR(13)

     FROM #logdata AS A

     INNER JOIN #logdata AS B

     ON A.RID = B.RID - 1

     WHERE A.LogEntry LIKE '%Severity:%'


     ORDER BY A.EntryTime DESC

     -- Cleanup

     EXEC master.dbo.sp_OADestroy @oServer

     EXEC master.dbo.sp_OADestroy @oQuery

     DROP TABLE #logdata

     SET @vSubject = @vSubject + CHAR(13) + CHAR(13) + 'This email has been produced by the server automatically, so please do not reply to the above address.  THANK YOU'

     SELECT @vServer =  CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('machinename') AS VARCHAR(15))

     exec master.dbo.xp_smtp_sendmail

     @FROM = @vServer,

       @TO   = ''

       @subject  = 'Error found on above server',

       @message  = @vSubject,

     @server = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',





    Result when being called from alert:

    All there has been an error on the above server, below is a list of errors that have occured in the last hour. This list has been sorted in a descending order.


    This email has been produced by the server automatically, so please do not reply to the above address. THANK YOU

    Result when being called from Analyser:

    All there has been an error on the above server, below is a list of errors that have occured in the last hour. This list has been sorted in a descending order.

    Jun 29 2006 11:00AM spid64 Error: 50000, Severity: 16, State: 1 test.

    This email has been produced by the server automatically, so please do not reply to the above address. THANK YOU

    Any help to explain this and fix it would be very helpful.

    Cheers all

  • Try changing your select line to:

    SELECT @vSubject = @vSubject + ' ' + CAST(ISNULL(A.EntryTime,'') AS VARCHAR(20)) +  ' ' + ISNULL(A.Source,'') +  ' ' + ISNULL(A.LogEntry,'') + ISNULL(B.LogEntry,'') + CHAR(13)

    Please note that if any of these columns do not allow NULL, then you can remove the ISNULL(,'') additions I made.

    One column assignment to a variable is not available to other "columns" in the select statement, so each is in effect overwiting the next.

    I would suggest use of a different variable like @vQuery for your SELECT so you can PRINT @vSubject, @vQuery to assist in debugging.


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