Reporting a Tree

  • Hi to all, I’m working right now in some data whit a tree structure of n levels. And I was wondering if is possible to report the tree in a report of reporting services. The principal reason to do this is for use the groping (hide/show) feature of a report table. I have been thinking of some way to do it but I haven’t found a way. I don’t know if someone has made a work around this problem.

  • can you be a bit more specific around the structure of your table and the data it contains?


    unqKey parentKey value1

    1 1 topoftree

    2 1 undertopoftree

    3 3 nextintree

    4 3 etc.

    Struggling to find the question?

  • Actually Ramon, I'm pretty new to this forum. Perhaps we should stick to the guidelines in Jeff Moden's article.


    Struggling to find the question?

  • Hi, the structure and data of the tree is like this:

    create table #tree


    id int PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED identity,

    parent_id int,

    node_name varchar(225)



    -- Root nodes

    insert into #tree (id,parent_id,node_name)

    select 1,0,'Root node 1' union all

    select 2,0,'Root node 2' union all

    select 3,0,'Root node 3'

    -- Childs of Root node 1

    insert into #tree (id,parent_id,node_name)

    select 4,1,'Child of node ' union all

    select 5,4,'Child of a child' union all

    select 6,1,'Child of node 1' union all

    select 7,6,'Child of a child' union all

    select 8,1,'Child of node 1' union all

    select 9,8,'Child of a child'

    -- Childs of Root node 2

    insert into #tree (id,parent_id,node_name)

    select 10,2,'Child of node 2' union all

    select 11,10,'Child of a child' union all

    select 12,2,'Child of node 2' union all

    select 13,12,'Child of a child' union all

    select 14,2,'Child of node 2' union all

    select 15,14,'Child of a child'

    -- Childs of Root node 3

    insert into #tree (id,parent_id,node_name)

    select 16,3,'Child of node 3' union all

    select 17,16,'Child of a child' union all

    select 18,3,'Child of node 3' union all

    select 19,18,'Child of a child' union all

    select 20,3,'Child of node 3' union all

    select 21,20,'Child of a child'


    And generate a tree like this:

    Root node 1


    |------ Child of node 1


    |-----------Child of a child

    |------ Child of node 1


    |-----------Child of a child

    |------ Child of node 1


    |-----------Child of a child

    Root node 2


    |------ Child of node 2


    |-----------Child of a child

    |------ Child of node 2


    |-----------Child of a child

    |------ Child of node 2


    |-----------Child of a child

    Root node 3


    |------ Child of node 3


    |-----------Child of a child

    |------ Child of node 3


    |-----------Child of a child

    |------ Child of node 3


    |-----------Child of a child

    The thing is that the tree can have n levels. So I don't know if is there a way of specify this kind of grouping in a reporting service.

  • As long as you're using SSRS 2008 and you know the parent id this should be possible. In your report, go to the group properties for the Detail level of the group. To do this, right click the area around the report and select View->Grouping (if it's not already visible) then right click the Details portion of the Row Groups section and go to Group Properties. Here, group on the primary id in your dataset and then go to the Advanced selection in the Group Properties. Here set the Recursive Parent to the parent id in your dataset. This should group everything based on the parent id no matter how many levels there are. An easy work-around to get the data to display in a stair-step fashion is to go to the properties of the text box that holds the data and in the Padding property set the padding for the Left to "=CStr(2 + (Level()*14)) + "pt". This uses the built-in function "Level" to determine what level the row is in the hierarchy. You can play around with the numbers in the expression to achieve the amount of padding you want.

  • Woo, SSRS Rock's. Thank you very much, I thought it wasn't possible. The table shows excellent. I post an Image of the report.

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