
  • I have 50 rows in my sumary table.I wantted to show them in the front end with pagination,means i wanted to show those 50 rows in 5 different pages with 10 rows per page.

    How can i do that using sql stored procedure.

  • Firstly pass your stored procedure the page number that you wish to view, and optionally the number of items per page.  With your summary table, insert the results into a temp table but add an identity column that seeds at one and increments by one (so should count from 1 to 50).  Then simply have a where clause in the TSQL that selects the rows from (PageNumber * 10) to (PageNumber * 10)+10.

    alter proc dbo.PagedReport (
        @CurrentPage int,
        @ItemsPerPage int = 10 -- default this to 10 items per page
    declare @StartItem int
    declare @EndItem int
    set @StartItem = @CurrentPage * @ItemsPerPage
    set @EndItem = @StartItem + @ItemsParPage
    select IDENTITY(int, 1, 1) as RepID, * into #tmpReport from dbo.ReportTable
    select * from #tmpReport where RepId>=@StartItem and RepId<@EndItem

  • IF @alpha='0'



      SELECT @sqlstmt='SELECT  a1,a2,a3,a4,a5, a6,a7, a8


         FROM #emp_temp order by ' +@col_name+' '+@orderby





      SELECT @sqlstmt='SELECT  a1,a2,a3,a4,a5, a6,a7, a8


         FROM #emp_temp WHERE emp_name like '''+@alphabet+''' order by ' +@col_name+' '+@orderby


    SELECT IDENTITY(int, 1, 1) AS ID, * INTO #tmpReport FROM (exec(@stmt))


    How can  write the above statemt

  • One way of doing what you want is using several dynamic SQL statements.  To reference temp tables from different procedures you need to reference them as global (## instead of just #), so tables can be referenced within dynamic sql.


    IF @alpha='0'


        SET @sqlstmt='SELECT IDENTITY(int, 1, 1) AS ID a1,a2,a3,a4,a5, a6,a7, a8 INTO ##tmpReport FROM ##emp_temp order by ' +@col_name+' '+@orderby




        SET @sqlstmt='SELECT IDENTITY(int, 1, 1) AS ID a1,a2,a3,a4,a5, a6,a7, a8 INTO ##tmpReport FROM ##emp_temp WHERE emp_name like '''+@alphabet+''' order by ' +@col_name+' '+@orderby


    SET @sqlstmt='SELECT * FROM ##tmpReport WHERE ID BETWEEN ' + CAST(@startID as varchar) + ' AND ' + CAST(@endID as varchar)
    SET @sqlstmt='DROP TABLE ##tmpReport'


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