Report Subscription Dynamic File Names

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Report Subscription Dynamic File Names

  • Recently have updated my code as follows after a few errors at certain report subscription times:


    SCRIPT: UpdatePaths

    Created: May 25 2010

    Created By: Mark Terry

    PURPOSE: The purpose of this procedure is to replace the Path in the catalog table for reports which are about to be distributed by email.

    It does this so that the filename of the attached report will have the date in the file name.

    In order for this to work it must be executed by a SQL Job every 15 minutes.

    During the 15 minutes that the path has been changed, you cannot access from report server directly as the path has been changed.

    REQUIREMENTS: You must setup a SQL Job on the same server as the ReportServer database to run every 15 minutes (unless timing changed) for this to work correctly.

    Tweaks: You can change the line

    Set Path = Path + ' ' + CONVERT(Char(15), getdate(), 106) to Set Path = Path + ' ' + Whatever you want

    You can change the timing by changing the between 0 and 15 ranges at the end of the procedure.

    Latest Updates: Changed the dates it is looking for as it didn't work over midnight runs.


    ALTER Procedure [dbo].[UpdatePaths] as


    --This procedure updates paths for report subscriptions

    --the report subscription typically needs to be on a shared subscription for this to work. Maybe changing the dates I am looking at will make it work


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Catalog_Path](

    [ItemID] [uniqueidentifier] NOT NULL,

    [PriorPath] [nvarchar](425) NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    Insert Into Catalog_Path (ItemID, PriorPath)

    Select ItemID, Path from Catalog Where Catalog.ItemID not in (Select ItemID from Catalog_Path)

    Delete from Catalog_Path

    Where ItemID not in (Select ItemID from Catalog)

    UPDATE Catalog

    Set Path = PriorPath



    cp.ItemID as PastItemID,


    FROM Catalog_Path cp


    Where Catalog.ItemID = PastItemID

    And Path like '%' + replace(Cast(YEAR(GetDate()) as varchar), '201', '1')

    And Catalog.ItemID in

    (Select ItemID FROM

    ReportSchedule rs

    INNER JOIN subscriptions s

    ON rs.subscriptionID = s.subscriptionID

    INNER JOIN dbo.[catalog] c

    ON rs.reportID = c.itemID

    Inner Join Schedule sc

    ON sc.ScheduleID = rs.ScheduleID


    sc.LastRunTime < GETDATE() and not

    (DATEDIFF(MINUTE,GETDATE(),NextRunTime) between 0 and 20

    OR DATEDIFF(MINUTE,GETDATE(),StartDate) between 0 and 20))

    UPDATE Catalog

    Set Path = Path + ' ' + Replace(Replace(CONVERT(Char(11), getdate(), 106),'201', '1'),' ','')



    c.ItemID as FutureItemID


    ReportSchedule rs

    INNER JOIN subscriptions s

    ON rs.subscriptionID = s.subscriptionID

    INNER JOIN dbo.[catalog] c

    ON rs.reportID = c.itemID

    Inner Join Schedule sc

    ON sc.ScheduleID = rs.ScheduleID


    DATEDIFF(MINUTE,GETDATE(),NextRunTime) between 0 and 20

    OR DATEDIFF(MINUTE,GETDATE(),StartDate) between 0 and 20)Future

    Where Catalog.ItemID = FutureItemID

    And Path not like '%' + Replace(Replace(CONVERT(Char(11), getdate(), 106),'201', '1'),' ','')


  • The code I have written works well for my scenario but you may want to change it for yours. The main point is you need to change the path in the catalog table before the emails goes to what you want the filename to be, and you need to change it back afterwards so you can access the report via Report Manager. Other ways I thought of doing this was to try and hunt down the procedure called to run the report and change it before and after that code in that procedure. If you end up doing this please post so other can see how.

  • I did manage to find one article showing you how your could make a stored procedure to actually execute the report from, providing the parameters. However this only worked for one parameter, and was kind of a pain for a long term solution.

    Please could you post your source for this?

    - Gav B.

  • Dynamically name report/file export in SSRS

    by Jason Selburg, 2010/03/22



  • Has anyone else had success with this method? I always receive an Item not found error when the subscription runs if the path is altered in any way on SSRS 2008.

  • Hi Mark,

    In your post, you mentioned that for file based subscriptions you can simply include @TimeStamp in the file name field. I am trying to include a parameter in the filename using @ParameterName, but it simply appends '@ParameterName' to the file and does not use the parameter value.

    I am using SSRS 2008 R2. This would be a huge help. I am essentially trying to append an ID to each report and store it on our fileserver as a PDF. These are historical reports that only need to be created once a year.


  • Only @TimeStamp and a couple other parameters like @ReportName work in that field.

    If you want to use a parameter to edit the file name, use my method and it should work. But it has been a while since I have looked at this stuff so maybe I am forgetting something.

  • I would be awesome if you could include @ParameterName in subscriptions or filenames ... Come on Microsoft, make it so...

  • I am going to try SQL 2012 to see if it is a new feature.

  • I haven't had the oppertunity to do that (or read up if its a new feauture) so thanks, much appresiated!

    - @UKGav

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