Report Server, Help with SQL, How to calculate NextRunTime for a subscription

  • Unfortunately the SQL server does not give any value in the column NextRunTime

    So can anyone provide the logic how to calculate the NextRunTime columns value.

    USE ReportServer



    WITH getScheduleInfo AS



    ReportName = CAT.[Name]

    ,ReportPath = CAT.[Path]











    FROM dbo.Subscriptions AS SUB

    INNER JOIN dbo.Users AS USR

    ON SUB.OwnerID = USR.UserID

    INNER JOIN dbo.[Catalog] AS CAT

    ON SUB.Report_OID = CAT.ItemID

    INNER JOIN dbo.ReportSchedule AS RS

    ON SUB.Report_OID = RS.ReportID

    AND SUB.SubscriptionID = RS.SubscriptionID

    INNER JOIN dbo.Schedule AS SCH

    ON RS.ScheduleID = SCH.ScheduleID


    SELECT *

    FROM getScheduleInfo

    ORDER BY 1,2

  • You need to join sysjobs and sysjobschedules and then get the next run date/time from sysjobschedules.


  • Thanks,

    Also I noticed the interface has changed. Can you help me with the editor. what set of tags should I use for displaying code ?

    it used to be but it did not create a nice frame around the code. Is there another set of tags that I need to use. Please help

  • The web site was been updated and they are working through the issues from all of the changes, data migration, etc.

    I'm having issues with the code tags as well - the editor has the buttons like we used to have with the old site but it's not showing up for everyone. Trying to do it manually doesn't work well. Take a look at this thread and see if you have the same toolbar with the codes like we used to have - Steve posted a screenshot of what his looks like:

    I'm guessing you might be hitting the same thing and not seeing it - they'll get it fixed.

    I've been just pasting everything for now.


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