Report Server Diagnostic Reports

  • Download worked fine for me in Google Chrome

  • Great timing for me as well and very helpful; but I am getting this error when selecting the 'command text' report.

    Error: Subreport could not be shown.

    Any idea what I did wrong?

  • Verify the name of the report (probably case sensative). I just downloaded the pack and placed the reports in a new reporting project and they appear fine. I also deployed them to a development report server and all worked there as well.

    If you find the issue is persisting, let me know...I just don't see anything.

  • Great work.

    Like many others, I had created reports for some of the admin issues covered here. Sadly (for my colleagues) my reports are not as nice as these.

    I'll make sure they get to use the prettier ones.


  • Thanks again

  • This does not appear to be quite right. We have stored procedures called from within the report stored procedure.

    For example sp Rpt.Supplies is the stored proc called by the report. within Rpt.Supplies i have a call to another sp - Rpt.GetDateTypes

    Rpt.GetDateTypes is what is displayed when i run this query:

    ;with RS as


    SELECT [Name],


    CAST(CAST(CAST([Content] AS VARBINARY(MAX)) AS XML) AS Varchar(max)) AS reportText

    FROM [Catalog] WITH (NOLOCK)

    WHERE --get only reports, not folders or other resources

    [Type] = 2


    select name,


    substring(reportText, charindex('<commandText>',reportText)+13, charindex('</commandText>',reportText)-charindex('<commandText>',reportText)-13)

    from RS

  • Thanks Michael .... for sharing your good stuff to SQL server community !

    Works Great ... 🙂


    HTH !
    MCTS : 2005, 2008
    Active SQL Server Community Contributor 🙂

  • These reports are great. Thanks for sharing your hard work.

  • Excellent set of scripts and reports. Easy to deploy. Great work.

  • Hello all,

    when I try to run report: ReportQueries, I am getting below error:

    Msg 9420, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    XML parsing: line 90, character 10, illegal xml character

    Any ideas !

    when I run the below query in reportserver db, I am getting the same error:

    set transaction isolation level read uncommitted

    ;with RS as





    CAST(CAST(CAST([Content] AS VARBINARY(MAX)) AS XML) AS Varchar(max)) AS reportText


    where[Type] = 2

    and (@reportID = convert(varchar(500),itemID) or @reportID = 'NOID')





    substring(reportText, charindex('<commandText>',reportText)+13, charindex('</commandText>',reportText)-charindex('<commandText>',reportText)-13) as commandText


    Also, I have deployed reports on my local machine, that works fine. IS the problem related to reportserver DB ?



    HTH !
    MCTS : 2005, 2008
    Active SQL Server Community Contributor 🙂

  • My guess is that one of the reports on the server getting the error has a query that is causing the problem. This is something I would like to fix - should one row produce an error I would like to state "Could not read the report query" as opposed to failing the whole dataset. I'm pretty sure that is where the problem is for you. Someone earlier had a similar issue I believe.

  • michael_davis2 (2/8/2010)

    My guess is that one of the reports on the server getting the error has a query that is causing the problem. This is something I would like to fix - should one row produce an error I would like to state "Could not read the report query" as opposed to failing the whole dataset. I'm pretty sure that is where the problem is for you. Someone earlier had a similar issue I believe.

    Thanks Michael for your response,

    Any workaround to resolve the issue ?



    HTH !
    MCTS : 2005, 2008
    Active SQL Server Community Contributor 🙂

  • nice article

    only thing i'm looking for now is if there is a way to audit SSRS. Us DBA's are responsible for watching it, but our BI dev's have access to change reports any time they want. we suspect some of our outages or problems with reports are caused by the BI devs making changes during business hours

  • It occurs on reports where there are no data sources used (like a REPORTS ARE UNAVAILABLE report we put up) and the ChARINDEX functions both return 0.

    To fix it replace the second SELECT with this:

    [font="Courier New" size="2"]selectitemID,



    case when charindex('<commandText>',reportText) = 0 or charindex('</commandText>',reportText) = 0 then '(no query)'

    else substring(reportText, charindex('<commandText>',reportText)+13, charindex('</commandText>',reportText)-charindex('<commandText>',reportText)-13) end as commandText


    EDIT: OK, the formatting experience is a bit frustrating today...

    [font="Arial"]Are you lost daddy? I asked tenderly.
    Shut up he explained.
    - Ring Lardner

  • There is also a problem when there are more than 1 datasets belonging to a report. This solution only prints out the value for the first occurance of <commandText>

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