Report Question

  • Is this possible? I have a report (rdlc) that has a table. The table is linked to a dataset which is a stored procedure. Inside of this report table, I have a column that calculates a percentage based on an iif condition of a couple fields in the stored procedure. Is there any way to get the average of this column and display the result as a percentage in the "totals" row? I don't want to have to do this calculation in the stored procedure.

  • Hello,

    If I understand correctly, you want to add a value in the total row (such as a group or table footer) that reflects the Average of that column - correct?

    If that is the case, then I would expect you could enclose your Iif statement in the Avg() function in the total row e.g. =Avg (IIf(Fields!Field1.Value = "Y", Fields!Field2.Value, Fields!Field3.Value))


    John Marsh
    SQL Server Luxembourg User Group

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