Report only returning first record when previewed??

  • I have been struggling with the result set being returned when previewing a report. When I execute the stored procedure from the "Data" tab, it returns all results but when previewing the report, only the first record is returned. Thinking it was something wrong with the stored procedure and / or the parameters being passed, I created another data set that was a simple select statement and the same thing happened.....only the first row was being returned when previewing the report. I then posted the report on the report server and the same thing happened there. Does anybody have any idea why this is happening??

  • What type of data region are you using in the report and do you have the data in the details section and not a group header/footer.

  • Anoel looks like you have used the = FIRST(FieldName.Value)

    in the table cell's just check if this is the case if so remove the first and just make it equal to = FieldsName.Value.

    Peldin Fernandes

  • Peldin, you were right - I was using '=first'. How does that happen??  I removed it from my fields but I'm still only seeing the first record when previewing the report. I've deleted the .data files from the project folder to be sure it's truly refreshing and still no luck. The fields are in the 'body' section of the report.

  • Just to clarify - everytime I drag and drop a field onto the body of the report is automatically adds the '=First' expression. As I mentioned above, even when deleting it, the report only shows the first record when previewed.

  • I would focus on the layout.  Are you using the table control?  If so, are the fileds in the detail section of the table?


  • Ahh, got it - so you HAVE to use a list / table / chart / matrix in the body of the report? You can't just drag and drop fields anywhere? Sorry for my ignorance, I've been using Crystal Reports for many years and this is a whole new world to that I'm not very fond of!!

    So if you were to create a report formatted like an invoice received from a company, you have to use a bunch of embedded tables within a larger table? It looks like RS is great for things like lists but not good for forms.

    thanks so much for the help!

  • For free form report layouts you can use a list control.

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