Report Object Model

  • Can anyone tell me where to find the documenation for the Report Object Model used in the Code Window of SQL Reporting Services? I'm interested in seeing all the properties, methods and events of the model.


  • you need to use the web service reportservice.asmx provided by reporting service.



  • Thanks G, but I don't think that's what I'm looking for. I'm not trying to hook into the report programmatically from outside the report, but rather inside in the report in the code window. There is a report object you can reference, which may be a small subset of the object in the asmx file. I just want to get a handle on what methods and properties are exposed to me inside the window. Aside from finding snippets of code all over the internet on using the object, I can't seem to find the doco on the object itself.


  • Thanx bo.....

    let us know if you find any......



  • I recall reading in a few places quite a while ago that the SSRS Code platform uses the same VB.Net object model in the framework, depending on the version of SSRS. SSRS 2000 uses the 1.1 version and SSRS2005 uses 2.0. So I believe this means you can use same object model for VB.Net which should be easy to find.


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