Report Manager Home Page almost blank-SSRRS2005 -Please Advise!!

  • I checked ...It seems like it is configured properly. It matches your config , Only the email settings and execution account have not been set up.

    I have attached a screenshot..

  • This very well may be your problem. Typically when I have installed SSRS, there are no $$$ signs in the Reports or ReportServer application names. Also, look under your application pool. You should have a ReportServer application pool. If I were you and you have the ability to remove and reinstall SSRS on this box, I would. Since it obviously isn't being used yet, I'd take it out and start from scratch. And during the install, more often than not, the defaults will work pretty good.

    Good luck

    JD (9/3/2009)

    Could this be related, when i goto inetmgr--->IIS--->open the website, i get a message saying that windows cannot find the path specified( for reportserver and report directories). It does however appear later when i click OK.

    I ahve attached screenshots

    Brian K. McDonald, MCDBA, MCSD
    Business Intelligence Consultant
    Jacksonville, Florida

  • Quick question about your configuration. You have a server running IIS, SSRS, and MSSQL. Is the SSRS Catalog running from the local MSSQL or from another Server? I have attached a screen shot of Web Service Identity from a SSRS Configuration where all services are hosted on the same server. How does it compare to yours? Are there "$" in your names?


  • @Brian- It seems like i will have to, i hope i wouldnt need to restart the server( as it does house other DB instances)

    @Doug- Yes the SSRS services are on the same server as the SQL Server service. I did check the Web .

    In the Web Service Idenity(config manager) the application pool for report Manager and Report Server are set up as follows:


    should i set that to the default app pool?

    I really appreciate all your responses

  • Just drawing at straws at this point...

    I hope you haven't reloaded it yet. Last night I installed a fresh version of SSRS and tried to duplicate your issue. One thing that you may want to check is your Intranet (IE) settings. When I had my Intranet settings set to the default, I could not see the home directory. However, when I turned it off (LOW), I was able to see the home directory. See my screenshot of both.

    Brian K. McDonald, MCDBA, MCSD
    Business Intelligence Consultant
    Jacksonville, Florida

  • Hi,

    SSL might be turned on and the report server may not accept remote unencrypted connection. If there is no need for encrypted connection, you can

    try turning off the SSL by modifying the ReportServer.config file’s SecureConnectionLevel to “0” from “2”.

    After modifying the ReportServer.config( Typically found in, C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\{SQLInstanceName}\Reporting Services\ReportServer), you might be able to view the Report Manager Home with its contents.

    Hope this helps.

    I had a similar issue and the above change resolved it.

    Good luck!

  • Thanks for your replies, i tried fixing the same issue on my local server. It got resolved only after i completely removed the SQL instance with reporting services(apparently its not possible to remove reporting services without removing that SQL instance with the database engine).

    I did a fresh install with a named instance and it works fine now. I will apply the same fix on the remote servers.

  • just for future reference - you can remove SSRS without removing the database.

    you'll need to go to add/remove program select SQL server 2005 and select change. From here - just remove the SSRS instance. you can leave the database there

    _____________________________________________________________________________MCITP: Business Intelligence Developer (2005)

  • Hello, I have 3 days!!:crying: searching why the http://localhost/reports/Pages/Folder.aspx is blank with my administrator account. I´ve reading everything in these days, but never i founded this error that Ill show you.

    In the SRSS report services manager you could have the same name virtual folder with the tabs "Web Services URL" and "Report manager URL". the virtual folder must be diferent names!!.



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