Report Grouping/Formatting Multiple Parameters

  • I have a report the needs to print a seperate payslip for each selected user, so you can select multiple users and it will produce a payslip for each, what I want to do is use different text fields with expressions for items such as address on each page and then a table that groups each type of transaction on the payslip, payments deductions etc.

    How can you do this? I can do just the transactions by grouping by each emplyee and having a page break after each user but if you add the text fields these don't get repeated for each user.

    This is the sort of layout:




    Dear User

    Your wage slip:



    Gross Salary 0.00

    Expenses 0.00

    Bonus 0.00


    TAX 0.00

    Net Pay 0.00



    HR Person


    Then it needs to have a page break and go on to the next user, any ideas how to achieve this or any good articles, I've tried to search for this but only ever get matrix type reports.


  • What about putting the name and address in the header and the transactions in the body of the report?

    Or perhaps you could look at using a List control in combination with a table or subreport.


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  • Luke L (3/31/2010)

    What about putting the name and address in the header and the transactions in the body of the report?

    Or perhaps you could look at using a List control in combination with a table or subreport.


    I couldn't work out how to put the name and address in the header as everytime you try to put a reference to the dataset it complained.

    A list doesn't work in this way, it won't let you have one grouping per page.

    I worked out how to do it though, I put everything I want grouping within a one celled table which was grouped by each employee and put a page break after each group, so the simple answer was groups withing groups, so simple but it took me 3 days to find as no-one seemed to do it.


  • Glad you got it sorted. I was thinking about grouping by employee and having a table/list/subreport within a table to better handle whatever formatting you might need, but was having some issues expressing it. Basically the same thing you did, except you used groups within groups in the same table. It's probably more efficient your way since another table/subreport etc would probably have to execute the same or similar query numerous times.


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  • Alternative - you do not have to place a group within a group to accomplish this. Instead:

    To the blank report, add a List box large enough to include all data for each record.

    Add text boxes and tables for name, address, pay information, as well as text/verbage to be repeated.

    On the properties of the List, select Edit details group button.

    On the General tab in the the Group on section select the fields to group on, i.e. employee id.

    Check the 'Page break at end' check-box.

    In print preview or pdf mode, you should have one page per record, with correct employee name/address for each page.



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