Report grouping issue

  • Hello!


    I am trying to put together a report that has 2 groups within a table which holds my detail and header lines. My data populates the dataset via stored procedure. Some of the textbox fields in the ‘header lines’ are variable, so they need to be tied to the dataset.


    Currently, I have the header lines included in ONLY the lowest group, but this is causing the report to show the header every time there is a break and they would like it to be continuous and only break when it is a new page


    I have already tried putting the same ‘header lines’ into the table header, but the values do not change as it processes the records. It will just show the first records values.


    I tried to put the same fields into the Page Header, but you are not allowed to use field values there.


    What I believe I need to do is somehow use global variables in the Page Header to capture the values of specifics fields when the page changes. I know it is going to be a pain to produce all the necessary text boxes in the headers since it is much nicer using a table (Tables are not allowed in the page header) in the report body.


    Does anyone know how this can be done?


    I tried something like this, but received an error.




    Any help is much appreciated.



  • If I am understanding your issue correctly, this is what you need to do.

    1. Create a List box, set the details grouping on this to your "header data".
    2. Drag your "header data" into this List box.
    3. Inside the List box, create a table with the data you are wanting and any other groupings you are needing.

    Hope this helps.


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