Report Delpoyment Issue

  • I'm trying to deploy a project that has one shared data source and five models. Below are the errors I'm receiving. The data source is using Windows Auth. Not sure if this has anything to do with this issue - I can connect directly to the ReportServer but the Reports site require me to login with my Windows credentials.

    I didn't have any issues when I ran through the Reporting Services tutorial.

    Any ideas as to the problem or possible point me to a place where the errors are more descriptive?


    Build complete -- 0 errors, 0 warnings

    ------ Build started: Project: SIS, Configuration: Production ------

    Build complete -- 0 errors, 0 warnings

    ------ Deploy started: Project: SIS, Configuration: Production ------

    Deploying to http://localhost/ReportServer?%2f

    Exception of type 'System.NotSupportedException' was thrown.

    Deploying model 'Courses.smdl'.

    Exception of type 'System.NotSupportedException' was thrown.

    Deploying model 'Master Schedule.smdl'.

    Exception of type 'System.NotSupportedException' was thrown.

    Deploying model 'Special Ed.smdl'.

    Exception of type 'System.NotSupportedException' was thrown.

    Deploying model 'Student Schedule.smdl'.

    Exception of type 'System.NotSupportedException' was thrown.

    Deploying model 'Testing.smdl'.

    Exception of type 'System.NotSupportedException' was thrown.

    Deploy complete -- 6 errors, 0 warnings

    ========== Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

    ========== Deploy: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========

  • I would try setting your project deployment URL property so that you're using your actual machine name rather than "localhost", but I don't know if that'll fix your problem or not..


  • Kenneth,

    What are those smdl files generating the build failures ?

    I have not had any experience with those file types yet and am interested.

  • Hey there,

    I'm having the same issue while trying to deploy a reporting services report model(smdl) based on SSAS datasource.

    Have you find any solution?



  • SMDL files the xml source files for a model.

    Does the model appear to be intact, you can view it? How about just copying the file to a new project and trying there see if something wrong with the solution. You could also upload the model directly as smdl via Report Manager, might see it it takes it or finds something wrong with the xml.

  • I know this is a dated topic, but I have the same issue when trying to deploy my report model project.

    Data Source, DSV, and model all appear fine. Build is fine. Just error on deployment. Source is a SQL 2005 db.

  • I am also having the same problem. I am trying to deploy a report model and am getting a system.notsupportedexception. I have been searching for hours without finding a solution.

  • Having the same problem. Newbie here learning to use SSRS and Report Builder through a tutorial. Everything has worked fine up till the deploy and it throws an exception on the smdl and the ds. Errors are as follows:

    Build complete -- 0 errors, 0 warnings

    ------ Deploy started: Project: Report Model Project Tutorial, Configuration: Production ------

    Deploying to http://servername/ReportCenter?%2f

    Exception of type 'System.NotSupportedException' was thrown.

    Deploying model 'Reporting Demo.smdl'.

    Exception of type 'System.NotSupportedException' was thrown.

    Deploy complete -- 2 errors, 0 warnings

    ========== Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

    ========== Deploy: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========

    Not sure what is up and nothing in search helps pinpoint the why. Deploy to production and using same target paths as I have been in the SQL BID. Any help - please! Thanks:w00t:

  • Hi All,

    After days of back and forth communication from MS SSRS support, they have stated that Report Models cannot be sourced from any other RDBMS besides SQL & Oacle. In our case we were sourcing from PostgreSQL.

    We were able to build the dsv and smdl, but the deployment failed.

    They referenced a KB article, but I cannot find it.

  • I was having the same problem. I opened the data source designer and change the provider to System.Data.SqlClient (default is OleDB...). I also "saved" the password (don't know if that had anything to do with it or not; really suspect its the provider). At any rate, that solved the issue. The model deployed without error and is available to Report Builder.:P

  • Thanks this solution helped me too.

  • Thanks to the poster above, changing the data source provider to System.Data.SqlClient also solved this problem for me. cheers! 🙂

  • Yes, Same trick work with me. Thanks.

  • Yes, Same trick work with me. Thanks.

  • Changing the provider to SQL Client rather OLE DB did the trick for me. As a precaution I also changed the server name from localhost to the actual server name.

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