August 17, 2012 at 6:46 am
Hi all,
Just wanted to see if anyone else has had my problems with reports in a browser. I am creating a report with a pretty complex layout. I have solved the complexity by using many subreports for the different parts of the main report. I have saved all my subreports to Reporting Services on my machine, which is where the database resides, and I have used a main report to tie them all together into the final complex report.
The final report looks good when I run and view it in Report Builder 3.0, but when I saved the main report to RS and ran that from within a browser (IE 9.0), the layout is no longer correct. Specifically, the subreport blocks are being stretched out to the right in some cases, so that the report no longer lines up properly.
There were other issues, but those had to do with subreports stretching downward. I fixed that by going to any TextBox that allowed height to be dynamically increased and turned that off, so they no longer allow dynamic increase. Then, since many of these textboxes are small, with small font, I took off all padding and set vertical and horizontal alignment to Middle/Center. This fixed the downward stretching issues. I am not sure what's causing the stretching out to the right, though.
Any ideas?
P.S. - I can't even start to get this going in Firefox, since there are broken images showing up everywhere in my report when I try rendering in Firefox 14.0.1. Any ideas about that would be helpful too. I clicked on a few of the broken images and found that all the links referenced a Blank.gif from my RS server. IE doesn't have any problem with this at all. Other issues are evident as well, again it's the stretching right, but in different places and amounts than in IE. Thoughts?
Thanks for the help
August 17, 2012 at 7:16 am
Oh, and I totally forgot to say, what makes this more interesting is that when I print the page out from the web browser (IE 9.0), it prints perfectly. I'm not sure if that's because it's being printed straight out of RS rather than coming from the actual browser rendering. I'm thinking that's what's happening.
So because of this, I'm not sure that there is a fix to the browser rendering, since changing widths in my report definitions to make the browser look better would probably change widths in my report printouts to make them no longer look good.
Quite the quandary. I will look further into this.
November 30, 2012 at 10:40 am
So I am still facing this issue. I have made some major changes, and now the report is one stand-alone report, with no use of sub-reports.
As before, when I run the report inside of RB3, it looks exactly as expected. When I run it in RS, the web rendering puts spaces between some of the rectangles that should be right up against each other, and then some of the rectangles, which are all defined as being exactly the same distance from the top of the page show as being different distances from the top, by a variance of about 1/8 of an inch.
When I click on the Print button in the RS web page and send to printer, the printout is perfect. I am not sure what I should be doing to fix this. I have taken my report and made a very simple version that doesn't make any queries of the database, and yet does exactly as I have described above. Unfortunately I do not have a way of posting that on this site.
Does anyone have any ideas on this issue? If you want to see my simplified non-database version of this RDL, just let me know how I can pass that on to you. Any help right now would be very much appreciated.
November 30, 2012 at 12:30 pm
Unfortunately, SSRS is not WYSIWYG. It generates HTML to create your report. This HTML can/will be displayed differently depending upon your browser (IE, Firefox, Chrome, ...).
If it prints perfectly, I'd call it good -- but that's just me. I hate fiddling around with reports. 🙂
December 3, 2012 at 9:24 am
You and me both. A little change can actually make the SSRS output worse. Thanks for the feedback.
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