Replication - Sybase vs SQL

  • Hi All,

    I have a customer evaluating the move from Sybase 10 to SQL Server.  Among other considerations, he is questioning the replication feature that currently let him keep in synch two transactional servers with each other. I'm wondering if anyone out there has a comparison of both features that could be of help in this situation.  Also, a practical, from the trenches, comparison of both platforms would be appreciated.



  • I have experienced both Microsoft SQL Server Replication & Sybase Server Replication. They both produce the same result however, in comparison to Microsoft SQL Server, the Sybase tools are hopeless, useless and worthless! Anyone who has used Sybase will no doubt agree!

    What is his problem? What does he want to know?

    If he has an SQL Server, ask him to give the Replication a go on the SQL Server and he can make his mind up!

    Kindest Regards,

  • Well, actually his problem is that, being a Sybase fan, he is not very willing to drop it easily. Beyond the much decent tools for administering replication, what I was looking for, perhaps, was performance or stability comparisons to add to the obvious reasons.

    By the way, my customer is considering SQL Server because of the pricing. That's why I also was trying to find some real life experiences on using both platforms, to create a more solid scenario.

  • I have installed configured developed and administered SQL Server Replication for 5 years now! Within that time I have also done the same for Sybase! In terms of replication, they are both the same! From what I experienced, what you could do on SQL Server Replication you could do in Sybase Replication!

    I don't know what else to say other than giving him an object view! Sit him down and show him SQL Server Replication! In fact, emulate his current Sybase Replication topology in a SQL Server environment.

    Kindest Regards,

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