Replication: Publication error

  • any help on this Publication error

    SQL Server could not create publication 'Publication_Name'.



    A log reader agent can only be installed for a database enabled for transactional/snapshot replication. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Rmo)





  • You need to enable the db for replication.

    You can do it through publisher properties or this TSQL

    exec sp_replicationdboption @dbname='dbname', @optname= 'publish', @value= 'true'


  • I get an error

    OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI11" for linked server "Linkserver_Name" returned message "Login timeout expired".

    OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI11" for linked server "Linkserver_Name" returned message "A network-related or instance-specific error has occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. Server is not found or not accessible. Check if instance name is correct and if SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. For more information see SQL Server Books Online.".

    Msg 53, Level 16, State 1, Line 0

    Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [53].

  • Thats nothing to do with replication.

    How are you trying to enable replication?

  • we did as per the Microsoft regular process.

    I am also confused about his error message.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.


  • 1)WHen I execute the below SP on publisher. I get the below info, How could I Updated distribution server column with server name instead of Linkedserver_Name, that row below?


    installed |distribution server |distribution db installed |is distribution publisher| has remote distribution publisher

    0 Linkedserver_Name 0 0 0

    2) I am confused, Does the publisher is thinking it as an distributor is configured for linked server.

    3) How could I Update the SELECT * FROM Master.sysservers

    for datasource coulun.

  • Danzz (9/18/2012)

    1)WHen I execute the below SP on publisher. I get the below info, How could I Updated distribution server column with server name instead of Linkedserver_Name, that row below?


    installed |distribution server |distribution db installed |is distribution publisher| has remote distribution publisher

    0 Linkedserver_Name 0 0 0

    2) I am confused, Does the publisher is thinking it as an distributor is configured for linked server.

    3) How could I Update the SELECT * FROM Master.sysservers

    for datasource coulun.

    If your publisher and distributor are on separate boxes, i.e. you have a remote distributor configuration, a linked server will have been configured in order to achieve this - thats how it works. If you look in your Linked Servers container I suspect you will see a 'repl_distributor' there. To get rid of the remote distributor you will need to drop any publications on this server, then run 'exec sp_dropdistributor @no_checks = 1, @ignore_distributor = 1', to remove the distributor.

  • Cannot add server to Replication monitor,

    It show red cross mark? what does this mean? as of my understand is that it is not ready to monitor.

    How can I add to Replication monitor?

  • ok stop posting random questions. No one is going to help you when you're posting in this way.

    You began posting about being unable to create a publication and now you're stressing over Replication Monitor. Let me be blunt; you are new to replication and you have clicked left, right and centre all over Management Studio, trying to get this thing to fly and you're now at the point where you really have no idea what you've done.

    If I'm going to help you out you are going to have to tell me:

    1. what are you trying to achieve. That is tell me where your publication, distribution and subscription databases are (or are intended to be)

    2. What type of replication you are attempting to set up

    3. What stage you are currently at in the process.

    Once I understand this, I will POSSIBLY be able to assist you to wind the whole thing back and then start again from the beginning.

    In the meantime, stop flooding the board with multiple threads about the same issue.

  • Pub :2008r2

    Dist and Sub : 2012

    seems now every thing is working.

    Cannot add server to Replication monitor,

    It show red cross mark? what does this mean?

    I have run sp_removedbreplication on Dist and Pub to delete and recreate. I am done successfully

    I am not sure this caused issue in the replication monitor shows a red cross mark.

  • A red cross against a Publisher is an indication that there is a problem with the replication. If you drill down into it, what do you see?

  • My findings are:

    1)Job on DBSTU server: Agent history clean up: distribution is failing.

    From the Job error I figured out was Table [dbo].[MSmerge_history] on distribution was missing.

    This is causing issue? I am not sure...

    2)I did a test for small database, it works fine.

    The REPL_snapshot, REPL_logreader and REPL_dist are running fine.

  • Danzz (9/18/2012)

    My findings are:

    1)Job on DBSTU server: Agent history clean up: distribution is failing.

    From the Job error I figured out was Table [dbo].[MSmerge_history] on distribution was missing.

    This is causing issue? I am not sure...

    2)I did a test for small database, it works fine.

    The REPL_snapshot, REPL_logreader and REPL_dist are running fine.

    The fact that the Agent history cleanup job is failing will not, in itself be the reason you're seeing an error in Replication Monitor. However I'd certainly be very concerned if that table is not there. It should always exist the distribution database, as far as I know, and suggests that you have deeper issues.

    Possibly a silly question but it is merge replication you have configured right?

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