replication problem

  • I am trying to configure replication using a script. I created the distribution database as well as the publisher. Now, I am running the stored procedure in one of the subscribers to create subscription. However, I keep getting the same error over and over again. The error reads:

    msg 50000, Level 16, State 1, Procedure usp_create_AccountSubscriber, Line 43

    Failed to execute SP usp_Create_AccountSubscriber: This database is not enabled for publication

    what does it mean? n how can i solve it?

  • Have you configured the distribution database and publisher properly, please check them.

    With Thanks,


  • Yes, I am pretty sure I configured them correctly.

  • Check these on publisher's server:

    select is_published

    from sys.databases

    where name = 'your_database_name'


    select *

    from distribution.dbo.MSpublications

    where publisher_db = 'your_database_name'


  • It looks like you are trying to create subscription using your "Create publication custom script" and running it on Subscription database where it is failing which it will .

  • It does look like the publication is working. This is what I get:



  • It just shows that it's enabled for replication. Did you get any result from 2nd query?

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