Replication - Pending Transactions

  • Hi,

    Can any one help me out on how to find out the Pending transactions for Subscriber in a Replication environment.

    The problem is my replication is taking huge time to drain the transactions. I need to check how many and what transactions are there in pending tray.

    Do SQL Server 2005 maintains any table where we can get the pending transactions to be applied in subscriber.

  • view the "Uncommitted Command" tab in Replication Monitor, it will show was is pending and estimated time for delivering these updates to subscriber.

  • Hi,

    Thanks for your response. In that tab we can see the no. of undistributed commands. I need the exact Sql Syntax / statement / procedure which are pending or in queue for replication.

  • Check out the following script. You can use the SQL statment used in the script.



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