Replication - Log file Size & Usage high

  • Hi,

    I have a transactional replication built in 2008 environment. My Log file size keeps growing and its usage is always 99% and i am not able to shrink the log also. Please help. Thanks in advance!


  • The log file for which database - the publisher or the subscriber? Are all subscribers currently in synch with the publisher? What do you get if you run this?SELECT log_reuse_wait_desc

    FROM sys.databases

    WHERE name = 'MyDatabase'


  • LOG_BACKUP - I get this in the query you gave.

    And i am sorry that i didnt post my question clear. The log size for Publication database is where i am facing this issue. Replication is fine and the subscriber is in sync.

  • haichells (12/29/2016)

    LOG_BACKUP - I get this in the query you gave.

    There's your answer. Make sure that all databases (replicated or not) that are in Full recovery mode have regular transaction log backups.


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