Replication - How to remove

  • I need to remove replication that has been (partially) set up by someone else.

    Not too sure where to start.  Any ideas ?



  • First you should remove the subscriptions (pull or push) from all your publications.

    Then remove the publications and once you don't have any, remove the distributor.

    When removing replication, for me it is better to use EM, bacause removing uses a lot of stored procedures and they have to be executed in order.


  • I've tried to do this via my local copy of EM, where I've got my SQL Servers registered.  However, it just seems to hang and do nothing.

    Am I best to do this from EM on the actual servers rather than my own PC ?

    Also, is there any detatching/reattaching going on .... i.e. does this have to be done when there is no activity on the box(es).

    Thanks again

  • The easiest way to remove a bad replication install is to simply run through the replication wizard again to publish and create the publication again whith the same name. But don't push or pull the subscription. After the publication is created. Close the wizard. Go back to the replication drop down menu and choose "Disable Publishing" if no other databases are using replication on this server or choose "Manage Publications" and drop the publication you just created and then uncheck this database from the "Configure Publishing" dropdown menu.

    Or the brute force method (Will not cleanup distributor or subscriptions):

    exec sp_replicationdboption @dbname = 'Your DB Name', @optname = 'Publish', @value = 'True', @ignore_distributor = 1

    exec sp_droppublication @publication = N'ALL', @ignore_distributor = 1

    --dropped all

    exec sp_replicationdboption @dbname = 'Your DB Name', @optname = 'Publish', @value = 'False', @ignore_distributor = 1

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