Hi Guys and Gals,
I want to use transactional replication from a standalone to a 3 node AOAG. I can't figure out how to make the listener (as opposed to the individual nodes) my subscriber.
Right or wrong, I have:
- Set up the standalone as the dist & publisher.
- Created a publication.
- Gone to create a subscription (via the wizard) & at the bit where it says Add a SQL Server Subscriber, I put in the ***LIST name & it gives me an error =
"Cannot connect to *LIST*. SQL Server replication requires the actual server name to make a connection to the server. Specify the actual server name, '*SQL1*'. (Replication.Utilities)
It does succeed if I create with ***SQL1 but then when I failover, the replica fails because the database on *SQL1* becomes read only once *SQL2* takes over as the primary.
This is doing my head in. Grateful for advice!