Replication Error:The query processor could not...

  • Hi,

    I am running SQL 2K SP3 on a WIN2K machine with SP3. I

    have set transactional data replication(as distributor) on

    this Server. The subscriber Server is also running the

    same softwares. I am getting the following error,

    "The query processor could not produce a query plan from

    the optimizer because a query cannot update a text, ntext,

    or image column and a clustering key at the same time."

    Apparently the Books online has the reference to this


    Is there any way around for this. Your help will be much


    Thanks in advance.

    Best Regards,


  • did you recieved this error in the distribution agent? Are you replicating changes with customs stored procedures? Does the error shows, wich stored procedure failed to execute?

  • Yes, received the error in the distribution agent. I am not replicating any custom stored procedures. The error was pointing to one of the SP's which is created by replication setup for updating one of the tables marked for replication. There is push subscription enabled for replicating. Hope that helps.



    did you recieved this error in the distribution agent? Are you replicating changes with customs stored procedures? Does the error shows, wich stored procedure failed to execute?

  • did you resolve the problem?

    I having the same problem with a transactional replication that was running fine..


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