Replication error

  • Am setting up replication between two servers, and am getting the following error.

    Can any one help me with this?


    TITLE: New Subscription Wizard


    SQL Server could not start the Snapshot Agent.



    An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)


    SQLServerAgent Error: Request to run job WKSP00005E29\SQL2008-XYZ-XYZ-1 (from User XYZ) refused because the job is already running from a request by User XYZ.

    Changed database context to 'PackageID'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 22022)

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  • When you configure replication, there is snapshot job configured between a publication and subscriber. Check in the in the list of jobs with name of the publication running snapshot , check the status of the job.

    Error you are receiving because the snapshot for that publication is already running.

    You can also run the sp_who2 active to check the status of the spids running on the sever.

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