January 11, 2008 at 1:39 pm
I setup trans replication between sql 2005 (subscriber) and sql 2000 (publisher).
When config the distributor, I run into an error 18483 could not connect to server 'GHS0023RPT' because 'distribution_admin' is not defined as a remote login at the server.
I search in forum and find many answers but not really help.
1. I already setup server alias on sql 2000 and sql 2005.
--- SQL Server client Network utility (sql 2000)
--- SQL Server Configuration Manager (sql 2005)
2. On sql 2000. I validate the window server 2003 property. The computer name is "GHS0023RPT'.
3. Select @@Servername. It returned "GHS023RPT'.
Please help.
January 23, 2008 at 9:26 am
I might be a bit late with this answer but I noticed a difference in the computer name (item2) and @@servername (item3). If that was the point you were making then you could run the following script. It will correct the error. You will have to stop and start SQL.
-- Use the Master database
USE master
-- Declare local variables
DECLARE @serverproperty_servername varchar(100),
@servername varchar(100)
-- Get the value returned by the SERVERPROPERTY system function
SELECT @serverproperty_servername = CONVERT(varchar(100), SERVERPROPERTY('ServerName'))
-- Get the value returned by @@SERVERNAME global variable
SELECT @servername = CONVERT(varchar(100), @@SERVERNAME)
-- Drop the server with incorrect name
EXEC sp_dropserver @server=@servername
-- Add the correct server as a local server
EXEC sp_addserver @server=@serverproperty_servername, @local='local'
Link for script: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/818334
January 23, 2008 at 12:00 pm
It resolved. Thanks a lot for your help.
June 16, 2010 at 1:38 am
so you mean to say that machine name specified in windows and sqlserver name should be same while creating distributor?
I am facing similar issue in which my machine name is "IP-0AC11DDC" and sqlserver name is "SQLSERVER1"
when i tried to make this server as distributor, it tried to make connection to "IP-0AC11DDC" and throen message "microsoft sql server, error: 18483" could no connect to "IP-0AC11DDC" becasue 'distributor_admin' is not defined as remote login at the server.
please clarify.
June 16, 2010 at 7:19 am
Can you explain your database replication environments?
Are you setting up PULL Transaction database replication with a remote distributor or
PUSH Transaction database replication with local distributor?
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