Replication does not allow modify schemma

  • I need alter one column on my database without drop the replication

    well I'm getting that message saying I cannot do that..

    there is anyway to work around that?

    Sql2000 spk3a running on windows 2000 sp4



  • If your column has no data in it then you could drop it and add it again, otherwise you'll have to resnapshot.

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • there is data on it, you mean drop the replication fix the table and do the replication again?

  • 'fraid so...the best way is to script everything out to drop and create the replication, as well as the alter table alter column statement and run it. Once the script is complete you will have to resnapshot the table, so dependning on the table rowcount and size this could take a couple of minutes to a long period of time and will affect your users, so more than likely it will also be an out of hours thing.

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • well , I did drop the replication I drop the jobs I disable the server as replicator, restart the server and when I try to modify that field it still saying I cannot modify the table because it is in ue for replication....any idea??

  • you actually just needed to remove replication for that table but...


    you ran...

     exec sp_dropsubscription @publication = '<publication>, @article = N'all', @subscriber = N'<subscriber server>', @destination_db = N'<subscriber db>'




    If you are having no joy check the sysobjects table (ensure that replication has really been removed from the database), you can check whether a table is marked for replication using select replinfo from sysobjects where name = '<tablename>' if the value is 0 then the table is not marked for replication, you can set it to 0 if needs be (you might need to turn on allow updates to do this).

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • I did run this

    select replinfo from sysobjects where name = 'billable_transactions"

    and I got return  128

    How do I change it to 0




  • sp_configure 'allow_updates',0

    reconfigure with override

    update sysobjects set replinfo = 0 where name = 'billable_transactions'

    sp_configure 'allow_updates',1

    reconfigure with override

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • ok now the replinfo is 0

    and I run this

    alter table billable_transactions alter column country char(30)

    and I'm getting this error:

    Cannot alter column 'country' because it is 'REPLICATED'.

    wherelse I need to change?



  • if you run  select * from sysarticles in that database do you get any rows?

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • getting this


    Invalid object name 'sysarticles'.

  • getting this:

    Invalid object name 'sysarticles'.




  • Have you tried using enterprise manager (while connected to that database) and gone to tools-->replication-->configure and confirmed that the database is definately not set for replication?

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • Yes it's not for replication anymore, and I can change the column now from Entreprise Manager, but i wont let me change from the script.



  • What's the script that you are trying to run to update the column?

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

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