Replication Considration

  • 1. How To Modify Identiy Coulmns to Start at a bublisher at seed 100 and at the subscriber at seed 10000 for example

    (It Wold be Afficient to set the incriment At the subscriber to 2 and in the publisher to 1 and the seed is the same)

    2.Is the next phisible

    Form the One publishing database I am Using SnapShot Merge And Transactional Replication to the same subscriber .

    Objects replicated in one of the methods are needed int another replication method (Like Tables rilying on Trigers that updates other tables or FK Constriants)

    Can I do that will the replication conflict ocour.

    3.The Topology of Our net work is constructed from to sites with a 512K F.R

    This connection is mostly free but become very busy if file transfer is initiated (updating software or so)

    The Database shoul be remaind syncorinezed preferably up to the minute.

    4.Backup considaration

    Today the tow sites are backed up with a simple daily backup

    Should I Consider a more advanced model like Incrimental during the day and full during the nigh ?

    What kint of impact will it have on the size of the database ?

  • Dont know that I can answer all of that, but a couple thoughts to get us going. I think you'll do decently over a 512k pipe. Snapshots or very large changes will bog it down, but overall replication is fairly efficient. If you're telling other people, I'd suggest you tell them that latency will vary. Sometimes you'll get updates in a few seconds if nothing is queued, other times it could take a lot longer than 1 min if you have a lot queued.

    As far as backup, it's hard to go wrong doing log backups. I run mine at 15 min intervals - basically the max data I'll willing to lose. It doesnt affect db size, only the log size. How big the log gets depends on the number and size of the transactions, but it's not usually that big (except for when you do very large updates or index rebuild ops).


  • With backups for transactional replication you should consider using the sync with backup option sync with backup.

    Execute sp_replicationdboption '<publicationdatabasename>', 'sync with backup', 'true'.

    you can read more in BOL

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