September 12, 2002 at 1:44 pm
Has anyone done this? If so, how did it go?
I am looking to both replicate DB2 data down to the server, and in some instances data going both ways and I was wondering if someone had done either of these.
September 13, 2002 at 7:43 am
I havent. I know thats not very helpful but at least you know we read your question!
September 13, 2002 at 3:22 pm
September 15, 2002 at 10:48 pm
We use MS HIS2000 for APPC/LU6.2 connectivity to OS390/DB2 V6 with MS OLEDB for DB2. We developed a DTS package that reads data off DB2 tables using a timestamp to fetch the latest updates since last. It is not best but it is OK. We will be getting IBM DBPropagator which is supposed to run on the mainframe and read the DB2 logs for latest log activities. It can be scheduled as latently as needed. Then the data will be inserted into SQL server using either DTS or may be DataStage from Ascential Software.
September 16, 2002 at 11:53 am
Hi There is a product called Transformation Server by a company called "Datamirror" ( They support mirroring and snapshot replication.
September 18, 2002 at 12:07 pm
I am not in the systems arena, but rather software side and I am on a task force for this, but anywhoo, I think we are leaning towards using IBM DataProp but then using Data Joiner to get the data to Sqlserver? I think that is the route that the systems guys are telling us, we were just looking for any other possiblilities other than IBM.
September 20, 2002 at 7:54 am
I suppose I'll put my 2 cents in on this one. For both of you EOJRR1 and salim, AVOID DPROP like it was the plague (Unless your company wants to shell out a ton of money to have IBM come in to set up DProp). We have had the product in house for almost a year and have not EVER been able to get it to work right. It loves to suck up the CPU on the mainframe. Because of this we are writing a trigger based solution. Some overhead issues will be there, but at least we know that it will work right.
Now this may change when IBM rolls out DB2 v8, and I'll tell you why (IBM doesn't generally let their customers know this up front). The DataJoiner piece of the set up is running on a Database backend that was written almost 15 or so years ago, yes thats right it runs on DB2 v2. This database was never designed to run on Windows but on OS/2. Supposedly there will be a new version of DataJoiner with the release of DB2 v8, but who knows how that's going to work.
As far as DataMirror. I am not certain as to the "how" the product works, we just know that when it came in at twice the up front cost of the IBM solution, those in my company in the know said no.
My suggestion for you:
Unless you are willing to shell out at least twice the $'s you were expecting to by buying one of these products, write your own.
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