
  • Hi guys,

    We have this issue right now relating to Replication. Both subscriber and publisher are local, no network issues.

    Subscriber database was restored from publisher database, so schema and all objects are indentical.

    Transactional replication with immediate update is giving the following error and breaks the replacation (howerver, replilcation within 10 min interval is working fine):

    Here is the error message we receive if running replication constantly:

    Document Management Rules Error Case 080772102: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid object name 'rulebook_view'.

    Any suggestion?

    Thank you and have a nice day


  • Please check whether the view "rulebook_view" really exists. As you mentioned the schemas are same, then remove the article from the publisher and run the Snapshot Agent manually. After that again add the view to the article and run replication.

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