Replicate 2000 to 2005. Succeeds, but no results

  • I'm setting up replication from my 2000 database on Server2000 to my 2005 database on Server2005. I have existing 2000 publications going to another 2000 server without problems. I'd like to replicate the same 2000 Published table to 2005. Here's what I did.

    I created the subscription on 2005, reinitialized it, ran the snapshot on server2000 (verified the snapshot files), ran the subscription job to pull it over. It succeeded, but no table actually got replicated to the server2005.

    Those steps work fine from 2000 to 2000.  Am I missing something when going from 2000 to 2005 ???

  • I looked deeper and saw that despite the success, it said the snapshot was not yet available. 

    "The initial snapshot for publication 'Prd - MktgDB_CIR' is not yet available."

    There's also this message that I think is irrelevant:

    "2006-10-15 20:20:23.615 The timestamps prepended to the output lines are expressed in terms of UTC time."  

    The snapshot completed around 1:30 pm. I ran the subscription pull around 4:00 pm ....   How can it think it's not available ........  I don't get it.    I've never had this problem replicating from 2000 to 2000.

  • H,

     Would you mind answering me a question ? I have a 2005 publication, but I'm having trouble creating the subscriber on my target server (also sql 2005). It fails to connect everytime I step thru the New Subscription wizard. I'm using the "sa" id when connecting but it fails, although I know the id is valid because I can manually connect at the target server itself.

    Sorry to bother. Thanks in advance.


  • I always use a Windows account. And when I run replication between 2 different Windows domains, I use a Windows account that is exactly the same on both servers.

    Do your 'sa' accounts have different passwords ?

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