replacing Group By with row_number()

  • Hello,

    I have an indexed view and I query this view to get counts on how many products each seller has in a specific category. This query works perfect and produces results in 45ms. I want to join additional tables and apply additional WHERE filters to the result set. I am not able to do it because I had to get products_pid out of With clause to be able to join other tables after CTE. I couldn't add products_pid to the select list because it would require me to have in the Group By. After reading articles in this forum, I found out that Group By can be replaced by row_number() over (partition by...). I re-wrote my query using row_number(). But this query takes 1100 ms to execute. Is this the write way to get rid of Group By? What am I doing wrong here and why it takes so long to execute?

    Thank you,


    Original query:

    set statistics time on


    with keys as (

    select getproductssellers.productslocation_cid,

    count(distinct getproductssellers.products_pid) as CNT

    from GetProductsSellers WITH (NOEXPAND)

    WHERE getproductssellers.products_subcategory=26

    group by getproductssellers.productslocation_cid


    select customer.businessname as Seller, productslocation_cid, CNT

    from keys

    inner join customer on productslocation_cid=customer.cid

    order by CNT desc

    New query:

    set statistics time on


    with keys as (

    select getproductssellers.products_pid, getproductssellers.productslocation_cid,

    count(getproductssellers.products_pid) over (partition by productslocation_cid) as CNT,

    row_number() over(partition by productslocation_cid order by products_pid) as test

    from GetProductsSellers WITH (NOEXPAND)

    WHERE getproductssellers.products_subcategory=26

    --group by getproductssellers.productslocation_cid


    select customer.businessname as Seller, productslocation_cid, CNT

    from keys inner join customer on productslocation_cid=customer.cid

    where test=1

    order by CNT desc

    Data in the View:

    Products_subcategory Productslocation_cid Products_pid record_count












    Seller ProductsLoaction_cid CNT

    StoreA 1 1

    StoreB 12 3

  • Even i have seen that behaviour.. GROUP BY beats ROW_NUMBER by comfortable margin when it is run over large dataset.. if you could provide samples of your environment, it would be helpful...

  • I have SQL 2005. This test is run on Developers Edition, 2GB memory. Indexed View has about 500,000 records. Production system runs on Workgroup edition (this is why I am using WITH (NOEXPAND)), has 4GB memory, and about 4,000,000 records in the VIEW.

    Thank you.

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