Replacing cursors...!!

  • Hi everyone, I'm new to Cursors, I just have idea how they work..recently i'm working on cursors and planning to re-write code...but i'm finding difficulty . Please give your suggestions and ideas much appreciated.thanks in advance.

    DECLARE @ID varchar(12)

    DECLARE @Volume int, @Paid int, @Denied int

    DECLARE @PaidAmount money, @DeniedAmount money

    DECLARE @CID varchar(12), @CStatus varchar(2), @amt_paid money

    SET @Volume = 0

    SET @Paid = 0

    SET @Denied= 0

    SET @PaidAmount = 0.00

    SET @DeniedAmount = 0.00

    DECLARE MainTableCursor cursor FOR

    SELECT distinct root_Num FROM T1

    OPEN MainTableCursor

    IF @@cursor_rows = 0

    GOTO CloseCursor

    FETCH next from MainTableCursor into @ID

    WHILE @@fetch_status = 0


    DECLARE SubtableCursor cursor


    SELECT CID,CStatus, Amt_paid FROM T1

    WHERE root_num=@ID AND CStatus= '02'

    OPEN SubtableCursor

    FETCH next from SubtableCursor into @CID,@CStatus,@amt_paid

    WHILE @@fetch_status =0


    SET @volume = @volume + 1

    if @CStatus='02' and @amt_paid > 0


    SET @Paid = @Paid + 1

    SET @PaidAmount = @PaidAmount + @amt_paid


    if @CStatus='02' and @amt_paid <= 0


    SET @Denied = @Denied + 1

    SET @DeniedAmount = @DeniedAmount + @amt_paid


    FETCH next from SubtableCursor into @CID,@CStatus,@amt_paid


    CLOSE SubtableCursor

    DEALLOCATE SubtableCursor

    INSERT INTO Table2

    SELECT @ID, @volume as V, @Paid,@Denied, @PaidAmount,@DeniedAmount

    SET @volume = 0

    SET @Paid = 0

    SET @Denied= 0

    SET @PaidAmount = 0.00

    SET @DeniedAmount = 0.00

    FETCH next from MainTableCursor into @ID


    CLOSE MainTableCursor


    DEALLOCATE MainTableCursor

  • I'm betting some may get irritated that you spamed this post 3 times. In my limited experince posting it once is enough.:-P

    ***SQL born on date Spring 2013:-)

  • Yeah.Sry.I'm new, don't know where exactly need to post..!! I never used cursors as well :..can you please guide me how to delete..thanks

  • Looking at the code you posted, I have no idea where to start. There actually isn't much to work with.

    You can start by reading these articles:

  • Thanks for your reply and suggestions.!! 25million rows in source table and its taking more than 5hrs to there any way to load all data into temp table? and do changes..finally loading into 'Final' Table..

  • First, I reformatted your code:

    DECLARE @ID varchar(12)

    DECLARE @Volume int, @Paid int, @Denied int

    DECLARE @PaidAmount money, @DeniedAmount money

    DECLARE @CID varchar(12), @CStatus varchar(2), @amt_paid money

    SET @Volume = 0

    SET @Paid = 0

    SET @Denied= 0

    SET @PaidAmount = 0.00

    SET @DeniedAmount = 0.00

    DECLARE MainTableCursor cursor FOR

    SELECT distinct root_Num FROM T1

    OPEN MainTableCursor

    IF @@cursor_rows = 0

    GOTO CloseCursor

    FETCH next from MainTableCursor into @ID

    WHILE @@fetch_status = 0


    DECLARE SubtableCursor cursor


    SELECT CID, CStatus, Amt_paid FROM T1

    WHERE root_num = @ID AND CStatus = '02'

    OPEN SubtableCursor

    FETCH next from SubtableCursor into @CID, @CStatus, @amt_paid

    WHILE @@fetch_status =0


    SET @volume = @volume + 1

    if @CStatus ='02' and @amt_paid > 0


    SET @Paid = @Paid + 1

    SET @PaidAmount = @PaidAmount + @amt_paid


    if @CStatus ='02' and @amt_paid <= 0


    SET @Denied = @Denied + 1

    SET @DeniedAmount = @DeniedAmount + @amt_paid


    FETCH next from SubtableCursor into @CID, @CStatus, @amt_paid


    CLOSE SubtableCursor

    DEALLOCATE SubtableCursor

    INSERT INTO Table2

    SELECT @ID, @volume as V, @Paid,@Denied, @PaidAmount,@DeniedAmount

    SET @volume = 0

    SET @Paid = 0

    SET @Denied= 0

    SET @PaidAmount = 0.00

    SET @DeniedAmount = 0.00

    FETCH next from MainTableCursor into @ID


    CLOSE MainTableCursor


    DEALLOCATE MainTableCursor

    This made it easier to read. You really need to take the time to format for readability.

    Second, with no information regarding the tables involved and using only the code you posted I was able to come up with the following:

    INSERT INTO Table2



    count(root_Num) as Volume,

    sum(case when Amt_paid > 0 then 1 else 0 end) as Paid,

    sum(case when Amt_paid <= 0 then 1 else 0 end) as Denied,

    sum(case when Amt_paid > 0 then Amt_paid else 0 end) as PaidAmt,

    sum(case when Amt_paid <= 0 then Amt_paid else 0 end) as DeniedAmt




    CStatus = '02'

    group by


    I will not guarantee that this code works since I have nothing to test against. You should also take the time to read the first article I reference below in my signature block regarding what you should post and how to post it for the best possible answers and get tested code in return.

  • Thank you for your valuable explanation.!!...I'm trying to implement same concept and get back to you..!! once gain thank you..!!

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