Replacing characters

  • Hi Guys,

    Im pretty new to SQL and I need to perform a task where I have to replace the leading 0 with 44.

    E.g 01329225558 would become 441328225558.

    I have tried many times but all of my results end up in me changing every 0 in the data.

    Any ideas how to just change this leading 0.



  • UPDATE [TableName]

    SET [ColumnName] = '44' + RIGHT([ColumnName], LEN([ColumnName]) - 1)


    WHERE [ColumnName] LIKE '0%'

    ...if not all entries begin with 0 and so you need to restrict to the ones that do, otherwise don't.

  • Another way

    UPDATE [TableName]

    SET [ColumnName] = STUFF([ColumnName],1,1,'44')

    WHERE [ColumnName] LIKE '0%'


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  • Thanks Guys,

    Works a treat!!

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