October 20, 2015 at 4:14 pm
mr.addikhan (10/20/2015)
Sir, i am junior developer i am learning sql server, your professional i need only help..:crying:
That's even a better reason to stop and understand what you're doing. You need to understand the difference between a table (in this case tblemp) and a table valued function (in this case DelimitedSplit8k and RemoveDupes). Tables don't take parameters, they're just an organized and structured container for data. Functions return values, either scalar or tables.
Go to the following article and read it before downloading and executing code that you don't understand. http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Tally+Table/72993/
Read also the following article (much shorter) to understand the concatenation method used in the posted solutions: http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/comma+separated+list/71700/
Ask any questions that you might have after reading the articles. If you need to go to more basic stuff, try investigating the different objects available in SQL Server (tables, functions, stored procedures, views, etc.).
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