October 18, 2006 at 7:56 am
declare @table table (ad_str1 varchar(50))
insert @table
select 'apple avenue w' union all
select 'melon road e' union all
select 'watermelon circle n'union all
select 'banana durian crossing s'
select * from @table
declare @temp varchar(20)
select @temp = substring((ad_str1),charindex(' ',(ad_str1),1)+1,len((ad_str1))) from @table
update @table
set @temp = replace(@temp, substring(@temp,1,charindex(' ',@temp,1)-1), 'internet')
where ltrim(reverse(substring(reverse(ad_str1), 1, charindex(' ', reverse(ad_str1))))) in ('w','e','s','n')
select @temp = substring(@temp,1,charindex(' ',@temp,1)-1)
print (@temp)
select * from @table
Im trying to replace the string next to S,W,N,E to 'internet'. But seems like it's not working. Any input will be appreaciated.
October 18, 2006 at 8:12 am
Try this
declare @table table (ad_str1 varchar(50))
insert @table
select 'apple avenue w' union all
select 'melon road e' union all
select 'watermelon circle n'union all
select 'banana durian crossing s'
select * from @table
SET ad_Str1 = CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(' W',ad_str1) > 0 THEN REPLACE(ad_str1,' W',' internet')
ELSE CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(' e',ad_str1) > 0 THEN REPLACE(ad_str1,' e',' internet')
ELSE CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(' n',ad_str1) > 0 THEN REPLACE(ad_str1,' n',' internet')
ELSE CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(' s',ad_str1) > 0 THEN REPLACE(ad_str1,' s',' internet') ELSE ad_str1 END END END END
FROM @table
October 18, 2006 at 8:19 am
This is what i want.
apple avenue w
melon road e
watermelon circle n
banana durian crossing s
apple1 avenue w
melon1 road e
watermelon1 circle n
banana1 durian crossing s
apple INTERNET w
melon INTERNET e
watermelon INTERNET n
banana durian INTERNET s
apple1 INTERNET w
melon1 INTERNET e
watermelon1 INTERNET n
banana1 durian INTERNET s
October 18, 2006 at 9:07 am
Ok, Got it
declare @table table (ad_str1 varchar(50))
insert @table
select 'apple avenue w' union all
select 'melon road e' union all
select 'watermelon circle n'union all
select 'banana durian crossing s'
UPDATE @table
SET ad_str1=
CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(' W',ad_str1) > 0 THEN REPLACE(ad_str1,' W','')
ELSE CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(' e',ad_str1) > 0 THEN REPLACE(ad_str1,' e','')
ELSE CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(' n',ad_str1) > 0 THEN REPLACE(ad_str1,' n','')
ELSE CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(' s',ad_str1) > 0 THEN REPLACE(ad_str1,' s','') ELSE ad_str1 END END END END
(CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(' W',ad_str1) > 0 THEN REPLACE(ad_str1,' W','')
ELSE CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(' e',ad_str1) > 0 THEN REPLACE(ad_str1,' e','')
ELSE CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(' n',ad_str1) > 0 THEN REPLACE(ad_str1,' n','')
ELSE CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(' s',ad_str1) > 0 THEN REPLACE(ad_str1,' s','') ELSE ad_str1 END END END END)),
(CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(' W',ad_str1) > 0 THEN REPLACE(ad_str1,' W','')
ELSE CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(' e',ad_str1) > 0 THEN REPLACE(ad_str1,' e','')
ELSE CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(' n',ad_str1) > 0 THEN REPLACE(ad_str1,' n','')
ELSE CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(' s',ad_str1) > 0 THEN REPLACE(ad_str1,' s','') ELSE ad_str1 END END END END)))+1
 ) + ' internet'
SELECT * FROM @table
October 18, 2006 at 11:06 am
your query doesn't work
Server: Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Line 15
Line 15: Incorrect syntax near ','.
October 18, 2006 at 12:08 pm
It is a syntax error.
Replace "Wink" face with ")", then it will work
October 18, 2006 at 1:12 pm
how can i just select the word next to w,e,s,n?
avenue,road, circle, crossing
October 18, 2006 at 7:54 pm
There's probably a dozen ways... here's a couple without UDF or Tally table...
declare @table table (ad_str1 varchar(50))
insert @table
select 'apple avenue w' union all
select 'melon road e' union all
select 'watermelon circle n'union all
select 'banana durian crossing s'
If your strings never have more than 3 spaces and no periods, this works nasty fast...
SELECT PARSENAME(REPLACE(ad_str1,' ','.'),2)
FROM @table
If it has more than 3 spaces or contains periods, then this will work so long as the last two characters are a space followed by N, S, E, or W...
FROM @table
--Jeff Moden
Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.
October 19, 2006 at 7:32 am
jeff, thanks
October 19, 2006 at 4:26 pm
You're welcome... thank you for the feedback.
--Jeff Moden
Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.
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